[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] LANTASTIC Network Questions my experience

35007_321@uwovax.uwo.ca (Gord Nickerson) (09/29/90)

> I'm considering the use of Lantastic to network 4 or 5  of  386SX Clones.
> 1) Have you installed it. ?  
> 2) Did you have any problems 
> 3) Would you buy the product again ?
> 4) Has management of the network been easy ?
> 5) Have you had any problems with the network software ?
> 6) Would you like some features that aren't there ?
> 7) Are you using the Voice Board ?

1) 386 server with esdi 330 meg disk and 2 meg memory, upgrading to 4meg
   wd ethernet cards, serving network of 15 pc's, 5 286's and 1 386, main
   applications are wordperf 5.1, communications and dbms
2) very few - it has crashed on occassion, had to increase number of file
   handles, network sessions, buffer sizes, etc.
3) yes - but only the adapter independent nos version
4) so far yes but haven't installed individual user id's yet
5) print spooler very slow - we have 4 printers attached to a Logical
   Connection box and are only using lpt1 from the server. Suggest using
   all three supported lpt ports for increased speed. Extensive disk
   activity (i.e. using fastback to back up a local machine to server or
   file archiving) can cause worperf to timeout on disk writes. Also if
   too many of the same thing is done, i.e. a lab in which everyone loads
   wp 5.1 at the same time - the collisions seem to take forever to resolve
6) network cache and ram print spooler (announced in version 3.0 on order)
7) no - not recommended, eats disk space and what's wrong with TEXT??

- finally - lantastic would be very suitable for your application.

NOTES: 4.77 machines are too slow whereas with a 386 the network disk is
as fast or faster than my local disk ( a 28ms 40meg seagate) so suggest
only 286 or better on network.
       put as much money as possible in hard disk on server and memory,
we are using a 16 mhz 386 and there is plenty of cpu cycles for the
network because the applications software uses the local nodes, but a
larger (800 meg) and faster (16 ns) hard disk with 4 megs (for cache ,etc)
would make the network even better.
	the mail utility in lantastic is the pits, suggest using a third
party mailer like MAILCALL, etc or learn netbios programming...The 
Lantastic manual is a joke (NO INDEX!) and so far i have not found a
book on lantastic (help anyone?). Next project is to mount TCP/IP on
the network and link to the campus backbone for ftp ing and telnet ing..

WANCHO@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Frank J. Wancho") (09/29/90)


You will like version 3.0.  Much more robust, and the new manual has
an index!  Consider checking into their *very* active (now free) BBS -
602-293-0065 ...up to 9600 bps.

The mail function has also improved.  You can also grab LANUT200.ZIP,
containing a bunch of handy shareware utilities.

    Next project is to mount TCP/IP on the network and link to the
    campus backbone for ftp ing and telnet ing..

Similar plans here for the offices, but put TCP/IP only on the server,
running through a second card, mostly for mail.  Details not yet
worked out.
