(Mark S. Basel) (11/17/90)
I've been getting a terrific amount of requests (around 50 so far) asking for additional information about AutoSketch, so here's a brief summary of the most common questions. Q: Where can I get the student version of AutoSketch? A: Check your campus bookstore's software department, that's where I got mine. Should be around $40.00 or so. Or you can try contacting Addison-Wesley (spelling?). I don't have any information about this direct method so don't ask! :) Q: Can you do equations with AS? A: There is a math symbol font set included, you can do some equation type stuff but since I use LaTex for my work, I never use this feature and can't really answer any questions about it. Q: Can you create objects? A: YES, but only with the current drawings. You can group a set of lines and symbols together and operate on them as a group (move, copy, scale, etc.) but you can't import a symbol from another file. You can get around this for things like schematics by creating a prototype drawing with various symbols on it and copy this to the new file. When your done, just delete all of the symbols that you haven't used. You can also ungroup objects to make changes to it. Copies of the object won't get changed however. Q: Are there more than one font type? A: Yes, Italic, Roman, Roman Capital and standard are included. You can also use AutoCad font files (*.shx) with AS. Q: What are the basic functions in AS? A: Whew..... that's a long list! But basically you can copy, move, scale, group, ungroup, undo, redo, fill, zoom, erase (item and window for most of the above), rotate, mirror, draw lines, boxes, circles, polygons, and filled regions. You can have multiple layers (text on one, symbols on another, lines on a third, etc) and can change the properties of an part of a drawing. Q: What are AS's limitations? A: The only thing it doesn't do that I'd like is to have variable width lines. For basic drawings it seems to do MUCH better than any of the "paint" programs. Q: Will it do postscript outputs? A: Yeah, that's why I bought it! Guess these folks missed the point of the original posting!!! Q: Will it print to plotters or printers? A: Yes, your standard IBM proprinter types and basic plotters, HP, Houston to name a few. Don't remember the rest but the back of the book (which you can see thru the shrink wrap) lists the printers and plotters supported. Nice of A.W. ehh?? The whole thing is shrink wrapped and the disk(s) are sealed inside a heavy plastic envelope glued to the back cover. You could probably open the outer wrap and look thru the manual, since you haven't opened the disks, you might still be able to return it. Check first. Minor bitch, it's a real pain in the neck to get the disks out. HEAVY plastic throughly glued to the back cover. Don't try and remove it from the back cover, it IS the back cover!! Had to use an x-acto knife and cut all around the edges. These folks are serious! Q: I have more questions, what do I do?? A: Don't ask me..... for $40 go buy it and try it out. I know, student budget and all. I'm a student too and considering how long I spent screwing around with PD and Shareware CAD packages, this is a much better deal. Hope this helps those with questions..... that's about all I know about AutoSketch, you'll have to buy it or run it on some store machine to answer more detailed questions. -- ************************************************* * Mark S. Basel ( * * North Carolina State University * *************************************************