[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Missing 4tune/part03 NEEDED!

dave@compnect.UUCP (Dave Ratcliffe) (11/17/90)

A few months back, the 3 part binary for the MS-DOS Fortune program was
posted. For one reason or another, part 3 never made it to this site. Would
some kind soul please email me 4tune/part03 ?  Mail-paths below in the .sig 
are valid and we ARE in the maps.

Thanks in advance...........
        *>> Dave <<*

[------------------------------------------------------ Dave Ratcliffe -----]
: uunet!rutgers!psuvax1!eds1!wa3wbu!compnect!dave   | The Data Factory BBS  :
: uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave                        |    (717)657-4997      :
: dave@compnect.uucp or compnect!dave@uunet.UU.NET  |    (717)657-4992      :
[------------------------------------------------------ Harrisburg  Pa. ----]