[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Random quote generator etc... uploaded to SIMTEL20

theall@rm105serve.sas.upenn.edu (11/20/90)

   The following files have recently been added to the SIMTEL20 MSDOS

ASK11.ZIP       Ask questions in batch files, with time-out.
DAT13.ZIP       Display date and time for program logging.
ERRLVL11.ZIP    Display value of ERRORLEVEL (DOS 3.30 only).
RING13.ZIP      Ring console bell.

WHICH20.ZIP     Scan PATH for executable programs.

RECALL11.ZIP    Commandline editor/history utility, w/ src.

CC21.ZIP        Filter files w/ carriage control characters.
QUOTE23.ZIP     Random quote generator with 600+ quotes.

All are my own work and donated to the public domain. The distribution
files include source (in C or assembly language), documentation, and


theall@rm105serve.sas.upenn.edu			Dept. of Economics
theall@ssctemp.sas.upenn.edu			Univ. of Pennsylvania
gtheall@penndrls.upenn.edu			Philadelphia, PA 19104