[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] TEDDEMO Kinetic Gas Model uploaded to chyde.uwasa.fi

mark@urz.unibas.ch (11/21/90)

	I have uploaded our TEDDEMO Kinetic Gas Model program to


     TEDDY  (short  for  ThermoDynamics)  is  an  ideal  gas model
simulator based on molecular dynamics.  The simulated objects  are
particles  confined  to  a  two  dimensional  container made up of
various types  of walls.
     The program is useful as  a visual aid and experimental  tool
in various  levels of  education.  Includes  the following topics:
molecular   motion,   temperature,   first   and   second  laws of
thermodynamics,   speed   distribution,   fluctuations,   molecule
formation, relaxation phenomena.
     The  program  displays  the  moving  particles  confined to a
rectangular vessel and two on-line diagrams simultaneously.
     The  on-line  diagrams  can  show  a  variety of distribution
functions  or   time-evolution   functions.

	Runs on PC/AT w.320k memory, CGA compatible graphics.

G. Mark, Institut fur Physik, Universitat Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 82., Ch-4056 Basel, Schweiz
FAX: 00 41 61 321-14-40, Tel: 00 41 61 293773, E-mail: mark@phys.unibas.ch