[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Fastback restore

mvolo@uncecs.edu (Michael R. Volow) (11/27/90)

I agree that restoring file from a Fastback backup is relatively 
non-intuitive--I usually have to turn on the "write over" option unless
I'm sure a file of the same name does not exist in the target directory
Then you have to browse through the catalog to see which number disk 
in the backup set contains the file (unless you want the program to
look through all the disks!!). Finally, Fastback doesn't exactly shout
that it actually has restored the file, and continues to read the 
other filenames on the disk after it has done the restore, unless you
take the disk out. But I put up with it though.
Michael Volow, Psychiatry, Durham VA Med Center, Durham NC 27712
919 286 0411 Ext 6933               mvolo@ecsvax.edu