[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] v09i025: mazespx, Maze generator for windows

jackson@csvax.seas.smu.edu (Keith Jackson) (11/30/90)

Where does one get the Peace Screen saver program to run mazespx?
        ########  U N * X   :   L i v e   F r e e   o r   D i e ########
Keith Jackson {convex, texsun}!smu!jackson == jackson@csvax.seas.smu.edu
Disclaimer: The opinions in this article are mine.  If you find them
enlightning for more than 10 minutes, send $400 registration fee to ...

hv@uwasa.fi (Harri Valkama LAKE) (11/30/90)

In article <16501@smunews.UUCP> jackson@csvax.seas.smu.edu (Keith Jackson) writes:
>Where does one get the Peace Screen saver program to run mazespx?

From cica.cica.indiana.edu, Simtel or us.

== Harri Valkama, University of Vaasa, Finland ================================
  P.O. Box 700, 65101 VAASA, Finland  (tel:+358 61 248426 fax:+358 61 248465)
 hv@uwasa.fi hv@nic.funet.fi hkv@flame.uwasa.fi harri.valkama@wmac00.uwasa.fi
  Moderating at chyde.uwasa.fi ( & nic.funet.fi (

ron@woan (Ronald S. Woan) (11/30/90)

In article <16501@smunews.UUCP>, jackson@csvax.seas.smu.edu (Keith
Jackson) writes:
Keith> Where does one get the Peace Screen saver program to run mazespx?

Actually, it's Screen Peace and can be found, last time I looked, in
cica.cica.indiana.edu in pub/pc/win3/util.

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+ Ronald S. Woan       woan@peyote.cactus.org or woan%austin@iinus1.ibm.com +
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