[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] TSLIN33.ARC linear programming update at uwasa.fi archives

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (12/17/90)

Sun 16-Dec-90: I have updated my linear programming and linear goal
programming package to be /pc/ts/tslin33.arc.  Here is an extract
from the release notes of the documentation:

   Version  3.3: Version 2.6 introduced the possibility of selecting
the foreground and background colors of linsolve by applying /f# and
/b#  switches in the program call where # means a color number (0-15
for   foreground,  0-7   for  background).   I  have   made  several
improvements. The  forground and the background  color can no longer
be made  equal to each  other. Giving an  out of range  value is now
trapped  by the program. Most importantly the color codes can now be
optionally given as color names  (Black,  Blue,  Green,  Cyan,  Red,
Magenta,  Brown,   LightGray,   DarkGray,   LightBlue,   LightGreen,
LightCyan,  LightRed, LightMagenta, Yellow, and White). After having
not used  linsolve for  a spell  myself, and  needing to  change the
colors for an overhead projector session in a classroom situation (I
got   squarely  stuck  for  a  minute),  I  decided  to  make  these
   The normal  maximum width of  a simplex tableau  is 79 characters
which  means presenting six columns of figures per row. I have added
a switch /c# to the  program call  where #  can range  from 1  to 15
columns. This means a choice of a  wider (or a narrower) output than
the standard screen. This switch is operative in registered versions
   When  output is directed to the  printer, the program checks that
the printer is online. The method  I  used  earlier  fails  on  some
printers, so I  adapted  another  method  which  is  hopefully  more
   Updated the list of references (Chapter 10 of the instructions).

TSLIN33.ARC     Linear programming by T.Salmi
Filename        Comment                             Date      Time
--------        --------------------------------    ----      ----
DEMO.MPS        Mps-input-format demodata         09-06-89  21:00:46
DEMOGOAL.DAT    Linear goal programming demodata  08-01-89  14:59:26
DEMOLP.DAT      Linear programming demodata       07-31-89  16:11:38
DEMOLP2.DAT     Linear programming 2nd demodata   07-31-89  16:42:36
LINSOLVE.EXE    Linear (and goal) programming     12-16-90  18:36:18
LINSOLVE.LIS    Document                          12-16-90  18:56:42
MPS2EQU.EXE     Mps input to equation format      03-29-90  10:54:04
MPS2EQU.INF     Document on MPS2EQU conversion    03-29-90  10:57:48
TSPROG.INF      List of PD programs from T.Salmi  12-02-90  16:28:46
VAASA.INF       Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa  02-02-90  11:52:54
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Prof. Timo Salmi        (Moderating at anon. ftp site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun