[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Screen Saver

6600kjp@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Kevin Phillips) (12/10/90)

Does anyone know if any of the screensavers available at
Simtel 20 are safe for use with a mono-monitor in
graphics mode?  The screen-saver I have now is not very
friendly with the Hercules graphics mode and the results
of the two getting mixed tend to be severe.

Thanks much. All replies are appreciated.

Kevin Phillips

jherbers@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Joseph Edward Herbers) (12/17/90)

I haven't had a chance to read this much group lately, but I may be off
the net soon and I have a question.  Can someone send me a screen saver
program for my 286 VGA clone?  It's getting real annoying to keep
turning down/off the screen .  I know these programs exist, I've just
never gotten a hold of one.

Any help is much appreciated.
