ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (12/21/90)
Here are the approximate download statistics for uwasa.fi archives for the period from Fri 14-Dec-90 to Fri 21-Dec-90. The list is cut off at 10 downloads. The original list contained 1200 items. The approximate total number of downloads was 6045 files. The files with no description are no longer on uwasa.fi lists (they were mainly old versions.) 83 scanv72.zip McAfee's fabulous virus scanner 73 conquest.zip Strategy war game on a map (req's EGA and MS mouse) 68 fraint15.zip Fractint v15.0; Mandelbrot and Julia set fractal images 61 clean72.zip Clean-up virus remover (run SCANV55 or greater) 5.9v72 57 tsfaq15.arc Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers, 12-Dec-90. 40 pyro221.zip Pyro; play with fire... 37 quadvga.lzh QUADRALIEN (req's EGA/VGA) (good) 36 winpoker.zip Windows Poker! v1.0 35 ftpsites.lst Ftp sites for anonymous login (1 Dec 1990) 35 acidlamb.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 31 zoo201.exe Zoo packing/unpacking facility from Rahul Dhesi 30 winsdl.txt Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library info 29 st22.zip ScreamTracker v2.2 plays Amiga SoundTracker sounds (goo 29 bananoid.zip BANANOID (req's VGA) (nice) 27 pkz110eu.exe PKZIP/PKUNZIP "Euroversion" with no encryption 27 lh113de.com LHarc (un)compressions for .lzh files; v1.13d 27 bench56.zip PC Mag Lab benchmarks rel.5.6 26 frac20.zip FRAC 3D v2.0 (req's EGA or VGA) 25 dosref18.zip Programmer's technical reference for msdos, 26-Oct-90 24 soviet.zip Soviet Block; tetrisish game 21 parawin3.zoo 21 list75f.zip Vernon Buerg's list program, the definite must 20 vuimg282.zip GIF/TIFF viewer v2.82 (Herc,EGA,(S)/(E)VGA) 20 tsgmee10.arc Classic Hangman and Towers of Hanoi 20 simibm.arc List of files in Simtel20, 16-Dec-90 20 objetris.zip OBJetris v1.0; Objective Tetris 20 mines.zip The minefield game v3.0 20 dosicons.zip Icons for popular Dos programs 19 tarzan.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 19 atom.exe Music & graphics demo (req's VGA) 18 thing.zip A simple puzzle v1.0 18 pklt10.exe PKWare's compress and unprompress executables 18 pen2mino.zoo Tile game 18 mrmind.zip MasterMind Logic Game v1.1 18 aface.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 18 2zip25.zip .arc/.md/.pak/.zoo to .zip conversion pgm v2.5 (good) 17 zm301.zip Zip Manager v3.01 (good) 17 pokersq.zip Poker Square v1.3 (req's EGA) 17 pk361.exe This packs and unpacks .arc files (self-extracting) 17 jacajim.zip Jacaranda Jim v2.0 17 grafwk46.zip Graphic Workshop v4.6 (GIF/IMG/TIF/MacPaint convers. et 17 corewar.zip CoreWar (req's EGA/VGA) 16 wsmooth.zip A text browsing utility (PC mag) WinSmooth v1.c (w C) 16 wnqvt451.zip WinQVT VT200 comm & terminal program v4.51 16 larn122.zip Larn v1.22 16 inter590.zip Ralf Brown's list of PC interrupts, impressive 16 icon330.zip Icon Library; a large collection of good quality icons 16 fish3.zip Microsoft Fish! v1.0 16 cpuuse10.zip CPU usage meter v1.0b 16 chessexe.zip 16 atmoid.zip ATMOIDS asteroids and spaceship game 16 5inline.zip 5 in a line (play via a modem line) 15 yo.exe Another music & graphics demo (req's VGA) 15 xvtdraw.zip XVT-Draw v1.5 15 wizard.zip VGA Wizard drivers (800x600x16 & 1024x768x16) 15 lharcsrc.zoo Lharc for Unix (to handle .lzh files) ver 1.02 15 fonts.lzh A large number of PS screen fonts (great) 15 digital.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 15 cshow82a.lzh CompuShow GIF viewer v8.20a (w SVGA) (good) 15 basstour.zip Fishing game (req's EGA) 15 backmen2.zip A pop-up menu v2.0 for Windows (good) 15 arj015a.exe An .arj archiver beta test release from Robert Kung. 15 arc602.exe SEA's packing/unpacking system for .arc files. 15 alm094.zip 14 winfra.zip Fractint for Windows v2.0 (works?) 14 tetriss.zip Tetris 14 sample20.zip Digital Sound Sample Playback & manipul. sys v2.0 (good 14 pak251.exe NoGate (un)packing for .pak, .arc and .zip files 14 lambada.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 14 infop141.zip System information with Turbo Pascal sources 14 icons.zip Icon collection 14 hpcalc.zip HP like calculator v3.00 14 hdm4274.zip Hard disk menu system IV v2.74 14 explo203.zip Fireworks (CGA,HERC,EGA,VGA)) (WOW!) 14 brain.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 14 batchftp102.t Z Get files automatically by FTP, a definite must! 14 aporia14.zip Aporia v1.4 desktop enhancements 13 wintris.arc Tetris for Ms Windows v2.0 13 wastelan.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 13 teddemo.zip TEDDY v2.0 demo; a kinetic gas model; thermodynamics 13 rocknrol.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 13 magic15a.lzh Black Magic Hypertext pgm (graphics req'd) 13 mag110.zip Magic ScreenSaver v1.10; incl. password protection (goo 13 icondr12.zip IconDraw v1.2 13 gs_2_0.exe Ghostscript v2.0 interpreter executable 13 gn90-11.lzh GIF News (Nov 90) 13 gif2bmp.zip GIF to BMP v1.0 13 frasrc15.zip FRACTINT sources v15.0 13 electro.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 13 dsz1119.zip Z-modem release 19-Nov-90 13 cursor.zip Set cursor shape & style v1.4 (works?) 13 cmfexe.zip Creative Music File Player v1.00 13 blackh.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 12 vshld71.lzh VSHIELD TSR 2.8v71 - protects against 144 virus (was: S 12 tslin33.arc Linear programming and linear goal programming. 12 sb30tex.zip TeX v3.0 12 pmusic12.arc Polyphonic music v1.20 (good) 12 playmac2.zip Playmac sound organizer v2.0 (req's remac) 12 lzexe91.zip Executable file compressor from France. Really useful. 12 dream.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 12 cool.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 12 checkers.exe (Freeware) Checkers Program v1.0 12 cappower.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 11 worm.zip Worms 11 wnqvtnet.zip WinQVT/NET VT200 for Ethernet & TCP/IP v1.31 11 winsdl4.zip Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #4 11 wc110.zip WinCheck v1.10 checkbook progr (impressive) 11 watch.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 11 vifsexe.zip View an iterated function system (fractal; EGA & mouse) 11 vgif40.zip VGA gif picture showing program 11 tvgawin3.zip Trident Utilities for Windows v3.0 11 trial.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 11 themodel.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 11 shez59.zip A very good shell for .zip .arc .pak .zoo .lzh files 11 scrpe12.zip Screen Peace v1.2 - Screen Saver (good) 11 repla101.zip REplay v1.01 (good) 11 preludi.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 11 netscn71.lzh NETSCAN network viruscan v71; scans for 133 major virus 11 mazespx.zoo 11 lander3.zip Lunar Lander v1.1 11 chrush.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 11 bat2ex13.zip Compiles batch files for added speed. Interesting. 10 winsdl7.zip Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #7 10 winsdl5.zip Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #5 10 winpark.zip Park hard disk heads 10 win3-nfs.zip Use Win3 with PC-NFS 10 unzip403.tar. Unzip unpacking for Unix 10 typefast.zip Typefast from Dave Tutelman 10 tspas22.arc Turbo Pascal 5.0 units for (real:-) programmers. 10 tseng4k.zip Tseng ET4000 VGA SVGA 16 & 256 color drivers 10 trident.zip Trident drivers for Windows v3.0 (see also tvga*) 10 tran.arc Repeats typed text in digital voice 10 spx2.zip Screen Peace saver modules v1.2 10 polar.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 10 msker301.zip MsKermit version 3.01 (also get /pc/ts/tskerm) 10 mickey.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 10 kiviat.zip KIVIAT v1.0 sys information graphically 10 hp-kill.fli Animation file for aaplay 10 ftpsites.arc A list of ftp sites by Jon Granrose, 1-Dec-90 10 dvimswin.arc TeX .dvi previewer for MS-Windows v1.03 or > (req's win 10 dream1.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 10 dezip.exe DeZip v2.0; ZIP-extractor 10 cw30.zip Corewars v3.0 10 cream.zip ScreamTracker sample sounds 10 builder.zip The application builder/launcher v2.1 10 brick3.zip Bricks game (no docs) 10 atiwin3.zip ATI VGAWONDER 800x600x16 & 1024x768x16 drivers v2.0 ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi (Moderating at anon. ftp site School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun