(Brad Davis) (01/02/91)
Since there seems to be some danger of the ZIP vs. ZOO war breaking out again, I thought I might contribute a little batch program to help my fellow ZIP fans be content with a ZOO-oriented group. With ZOO2ZIP, converting .ZOOs to .ZIPs is trivial - just type ZOO2ZIP *.ZOO and there are your .ZIPs. You can delete the .ZOO files and you never have to mess with ZOO again. (You could modify ZOO2ZIP.BAT to delete the .ZOOs automatically if you wanted to, but I prefer to do that manually.) TOOLS WHICH ZOO2ZIP EXPECTS: ZOO.EXE to extract the files from the .ZOO PKZIP.EXE to create the new .ZIP RM.EXE (with /r option) to remove temporary directories If you don't have an RM-like tool to remove a directory and it's contents, you can use the DOS DELete and RMDIRectory commands. (DELete requires confirmation from the keyboard which is why I did not use it.) Zoo2Zip is actually *two* batch files: ZOO2ZIP.BAT breaks up wildcards into individual file names and CALLs _ZOO2ZIP.BAT for each file in turn. Note that ZOO2ZIP requires at least DOS 3.3 (or 4DOS) since the CALL command was not included in older versions of DOS. (4DOS, for those who haven't seen it yet, is a very slick replacment for COMMAND.COM. Highly recommended.) If I get requests from users of older DOS versions begging for a pre-DOS 3.3 version of Zoo2Zip, I'll cook one up and post it here also. (Unless I get severely chastised for posting "binaries" in a .d group, that is :-) Here is ZOO2ZIP.BAT ------8<------- Clip and save ------8<--------- Valuable coupon -------8<----- @echo off if "%1" == "" goto help rem Temp files in _z2ztmp_ mkdir _z2ztmp_ if errorlevel 1 goto exists rem Accumulate ZIP files in _z2zzip_ mkdir _z2zzip_ if errorlevel 1 goto exists :loop for %%f in (%1) do call _zoo2zip %%f if errorlevel 1 goto exists shift if not "%1" == "" goto loop rm /r _z2ztmp_ copy _z2zzip_\*.* *.zip rm /r _z2zzip_ goto end :help echo Usage: zoo2zip FILE [FILE [...]] echo where FILE is the name of a .ZOO file to be converted. echo Wildcards are OK. :exists echo Error: unable to create temporary directories _z2ztmp_ or _z2zzip_ :end ------8<------- Clip and save ------8<--------- Valuable coupon -------8<----- Here is _ZOO2ZIP.BAT ------8<------- Clip and save ------8<--------- Valuable coupon -------8<----- @echo off echo %1 if "%1" == "" goto help cd _z2ztmp_ zoo -extract ..\%1 cd .. pkzip -a -ex _z2zzip_\%1 _z2ztmp_\*.* rm _z2ztmp_\* goto end :help echo ERROR processing %1 :end ------8<------- Clip and save ------8<--------- Valuable coupon -------8<----- Random drivel from the keyboard of: +--+ Brad Davis, GSS Inc, Beaverton OR _________ -_--_ ________________|80|__ bradd@gssc (503) 641-2200 -- -- =o==o= -- -- -- -- +__+ Disclaimer: The boss disavows ----------------------------------||--- all knowledge of my actions. Whfg fnl AB gb 65! || (Timo Salmi) (01/02/91)
In article <6491@gssc.UUCP> (Brad Davis) writes: >Since there seems to be some danger of the ZIP vs. ZOO war breaking out again, >I thought I might contribute a little batch program to help my fellow ZIP fans >be content with a ZOO-oriented group. : This is nice. Incidentally, /pc/ts/tsbat23.arc has had a similar facility with pracically the same name and mode of operation for quite awhile. ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi (Moderating at anon. ftp site School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun
jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) (01/03/91)
In an article (Timo Salmi) wrote: >>Since there seems to be some danger of the ZIP vs. ZOO war breaking out again, >>I thought I might contribute a little batch program to help my fellow ZIP fans >>be content with a ZOO-oriented group. >This is nice. Incidentally, /pc/ts/tsbat23.arc has had a similar >facility with pracically the same name and mode of operation for >quite awhile. I don't think anyone has mentioned the obvious: PKCNVZOO, which is included with the PKZIP package. It converts zoo's to zip's, and even retains the non-msdos filenames, and other stuff, when it does the conversion (although I don't see why that would be any advantage for cpib postings). I never use ZOO, I always change the files from cpib to zip's first, then unpack them with PKZIP. -- John Dudeck "If it's Object Oriented then by jdudeck@Polyslo.CalPoly.Edu definition it's A Good Thing". ESL: 62013975 Tel: 805-545-9549 -- D. Stearns (Roger Fulton) (01/03/91)
In article <27822437.1954@petunia.CalPoly.EDU> jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) writes: > >I never use ZOO, I always change the files from cpib to zip's first, then >unpack them with PKZIP. Me too. Roger Fulton
jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) (01/03/91)
In an article I wrote: >I don't think anyone has mentioned the obvious: PKCNVZOO, which is included ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >with the PKZIP package. It converts zoo's to zip's, and even retains the >non-msdos filenames, and other stuff, when it does the conversion (although >I don't see why that would be any advantage for cpib postings). Keith Petersen pointed out to me that this is not included in the PKZIP package, a fact which I had forgotten... >I think you are talking about this file, which is *not* included: >Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZIP> > Filename Type Length Date Description >============================================== >PKCNVT11.ZIP B 46080 900316 Convert Amiga arc/zoo/lzh files to ZIP on IBMs >Keith Thanks, Keith. Yes, this is where to get PKCNVZOO. It also has PKCNVT, which converts arc's to zip's, and PKCNVLZH which converts lzh's to zip's. It does not seem in any way to be limited to Amiga files! -- John Dudeck "If it's Object Oriented then by jdudeck@Polyslo.CalPoly.Edu definition it's A Good Thing". ESL: 62013975 Tel: 805-545-9549 -- D. Stearns
davidsen@sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) (01/03/91)
In article <6491@gssc.UUCP> (Brad Davis) writes: | With ZOO2ZIP, converting .ZOOs to .ZIPs is trivial - just type ZOO2ZIP *.ZOO | and there are your .ZIPs. You can delete the .ZOO files and you never have to | mess with ZOO again. (You could modify ZOO2ZIP.BAT to delete the .ZOOs | automatically if you wanted to, but I prefer to do that manually.) I guess this is useful, but note that it makes no attempt to preserve the comments. Also, this is embarrasing since I wrote the user's guide but never use the "beginner" commands, does -extract handle the subdirectories? -- bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen) sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX moderator of and 80386 mailing list "Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me