[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] TEDDY answers

mark@urz.unibas.ch (01/07/91)

sophist@brainiac.raidernet.com (Phillip A. McReynolds) writes:

>rogers@ux.acs.umn.edu (Brynn Rogers) writes:
>> The teddy  thermodynamic modelling program just posted doesn't work for me.
>> The zoo achive is corrupted (for me) I get an 'FATAL: invalid directory in
>> zoo archive' or some such error from ZOO201.
>> Brynn
>Works for me (what I got).  I did NOT get part 6/6, however.

	How the hell is it possible that the package works without the 6. part
for you? I don't understand it at all.
	Does the UN-ZOO program run without any complains? Does it
restore all files? 

bstocker@du.edu writes:
>The files TEDDEMO.BAT and ENGLISH.BAT that were in the recent TEDDEMO
>posting to c.b.i.p. contained control characters following the word
>"english" in the "if errorlevel" statements in TEDDEMO.BAT and
>following the word "tdem" in ENGLISH.BAT.
>My version of DOS choked on these characters and spit back "bad
>command or file name" messages.  The files worked fine after I removed
>the control characters.

	There is an  ASCII 255  character in the end of the
filenames TDEM.EXE and ENGLISH.BAT . This character is unprintable,
so you don't see it in the directory listing. We wanted to make it
impossible to start these files from the DOS prompt by entering just
	The DOS versions we tried had no problems with this trick.

G. Mark
Institut fur Physik, Universitat Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 82., Ch-4056 Basel, Schweiz
FAX: 00 41 61 321-14-40		Tel: 00 41 61 293773
E-mail:	mark@phys.unibas.ch