cssjs2@ufhx1.ufh.ac.za (Mr JM Scheepers) (02/04/91)
The problem is this: The Microstation/Arcinfo program menu comes up, but when an EDIT is tried, it simply returns to the menu after a second or so. Choosing to see a disk directory finds NO FILES at all. Any clues? It is running on a 12MHz AT clone with 2Meg of memory and 80M SCSI drive. -- (Mr JM) Inus Scheepers |Internet: cssjs2@ufhx1.ufh.ac.za Dept Computer Science, Univ of Fort Hare |Phone(W): (27)[0]404-32011x2488 P/Bag X1314, Alice 5700, South Africa |FAX : (27)[0]404-31669 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss|BANG...!m2xenix!ufhx1!cssjs2