[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] CUT.PAS

dave@tygra.UUCP (David Conrad) (02/14/91)

To the person who requested the source to my CUT program which concatenates
files, leaving out the headers, I lost your message, could you please email
me again and give me your address.

To everyone else, sorry to post this here.  My hard disk crashed.
What can I say.

To Timo Salmi, my program recognizes three types of delimiters, one type
being "--- start" and "--- end".  I can't recall where I got that one.
Is it from garbo.uwasa.fi?  (The other two are for cbip and simtel20.)
David R. Conrad
(Don't use the ddmi.com address, it be broke)
=  CAT-TALK Conferencing Network, Computer Conferencing and File Archive  =
-  1-313-343-0800, 300/1200/2400/9600 baud, 8/N/1. New users use 'new'    - 
=  as a login id.  AVAILABLE VIA PC-PURSUIT!!! (City code "MIDET")        =
   E-MAIL Address: dave@DDMI.COM