[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Crossword Editor for Windows 3.0

vandevek@fergvax.unl.edu (James M. VandeVegt) (02/15/91)

Due to the still vast amount of requests that I have been receiving
for the Shareware Xword puzzle editor that I got off one of my
local BBS systems, I am repeating that I have sent the program
to c.b.i.p and it should be available there soon for any that want
to try it.

If you are unable to get anything off c.b.i.p for reasons beyond
your control, feel free to send me email explaining the fact
and I will gladly mail you the program.  I don't have the time
to email it to every request I have and I have been deleting
requests that do not explicitly say that for some reason
they can not get the program off c.b.i.p

FYI I sent the program to c.b.i.p moderators, who said that
they were very busy, about two weeks ago so look for it soon.

| James M. VandeVegt             |  University of Nebraska           |
| vandevek@fergvax.unl.edu       |  Computer Science and Engineering |
|                  Insert standard disclaimer here.                  |