dave@tygra.UUCP (David Conrad) (02/17/91)
This is a level that I entitled "The Labyrinth" only at the center of the labyrinth is a first aid station instead of a minotaur. But perhaps after you've played it, you'll think I should have called it "Restraint". To use this level with Snarf (2.02), download it, brik it (optional), uudecode it (creating file SNARFLEV.ANY), put it in the same directory as snarf.exe, and rename it as SNARFLEV.n where n is one greater than the last level you've created (with the shareware version, if you've created no new levels, that would be 006). -- David R. Conrad | The floating point exception hits.--More-- tygra!dave@sharkey.cc.umich.edu | You die...--More-- (This checksum, unlike a previous posting of mine, includes the .sig) Checksum: 3164172841 (Verify with "brik -cv") begin 644 SNARFLEV.ANY M5&AE($QA8GER:6YT:```````````````1&%V:60@4BX@0V]N<F%D```````` M````!``!`!``$`#X`P```_@``.`#```&"````?````@$```'\```\`<```?P M```P!```P^,``!@(``#@!P``#!```.`'```/\```X`<```PP``##PP``$!@` M``_@```@#```#^```.`'```/X```8`@``(/'```0$```X<<```P0``#P`P`` M!C@``/______B(4`"`*B$%_H`J^70B`"B)!ZN`*ZE4*/_J(?VJ_^K[!*K[Z( M)V"X`CNM#(``HB%HN`*NOTJO_JB(6H_^KMW:N`*J5PH@`JO5V^@"@(``"`+_ M_____S``"@%P``0=<``*'7``"B=```4F0``$)D```R9```(E0``")$```B9` M``,E0``#)$```R-```,B0``#(4```R!```,?0``#'D```AY```(?0``"($`` M`B%```(B0``"(T``!25```0E0``$)$``!21```4C0``$(T``!")```4B0``% M(4``!"%```0@0``%($``!1]```0?0``$'D``!1Y@``(<<``/'6``$1PC``@B M0``1'D``$1]``!$A0``1($``$2)``!$C0``1)$``$25``!$F0``0)D``$"5` M`!`D0``0(T``$")``!`A0``0($``$!]``!`>0``/'D``#Q]```\@0``/(4`` M#R)```\C0``/)$``#R5```\F0``.)D``#B5```XD0``.(T``#B)```XA0``. M($``#A]```X>@``*#T``#PU```\10P`($T$`#0Y"``X/$0`0#^``2``0``8/ MX`#X`$``!A%```8-(P`"#T``#P9!``\)0@`-!D``"!Q```P<(@`/%$``$0@` !``@` ` end -- = CAT-TALK Conferencing Network, Computer Conferencing and File Archive = - 1-313-343-0800, 300/1200/2400/9600 baud, 8/N/1. New users use 'new' - = as a login id. AVAILABLE VIA PC-PURSUIT!!! (City code "MIDET") = E-MAIL Address: dave@DDMI.COM