burkley@cod.NOSC.MIL (V. Joe Burkley) (02/13/91)
Several weeks ago I posted a request for developer's experiences with the various types of distributing software. The following is my interpretation of the responses I received. The full text of all the responses is fairly long, so I will not post it. It is available to all interested parties via email, just send me a note requesting it (makes good reading). First, some definitions. Shareware: Freely distributed, users can try for free but are on a honor system to become a registered user (by paying a fee) if they desire to use the software on a long-term basis. Freeware: Freely distributed, no cost ever to the user. The author retains copyright and the users cannot redistribute the program or source code for a profit. Public Domain: Freely distributed, author gives up all rights. Often includes source code. No cost to users. Crippleware: Freely distributed, but the program is a limited version of the software that is available by registering. Or the program is a full blown version that will cease to work after a given date. Often thought of as a Demoware or inconvenienceware. User must register for uncrippled version. Guiltware: Freely distributed fully functional program. Program will constantly remind the user to register the program for a fee. A slight variation is Inconvenienceware. User will have to answer annoying questions, perform extra typing, etc. Guilt message or annoying features eliminated by registering. First rule of thumb is that using any of the above methods will almost guarantee that you will not get a sizable amount of money. If you believe that the program you have written is truly entertaining/useful/whatever, seriously look into releasing it through a distribution network or going commercial. It will take more time, effort, and money on your part but the potential rewards will be much much greater than the ...ware routes. Now, assuming that your product is not quite brilliant, it is too simple, or you don't want to take the time to make it robust, here is a summary of people's feelings. Shareware: Best to hope for is about $2000-$3000 (although I didn't get responses from makers of the really big programs like 4DOS or Procomm). Mostly substantially less. Consider your time and effort when setting price. You will have to deal with cashing checks and answering peoples questions. Are you going to give a phone number? What about moving, do you want to deal with a P.O. box so that people can send you registration 2 years from now? Consider giving people something for registering. A printed manual is good, or free future upgrades, etc. Don't expect money from Europe; partly due to attitudes and partly because of dealing with exchange rates. Best types of products for shareware seem to be utilities. Freeware/PD: Probably the easiest way to distribute your work. You receive no direct compensation but you might get fan mail and a whole lot of satisfaction. Good way to advertise your abilities as a programmer. Jobs might come your way if people are impressed with your creation. (Consultants can easily make $50 per hour.) For both of the above, be sure to date and put version numbers on display in your program. You may go commercial at some future time and it will be very important that you distinguish between releases. Crippleware: There is a large amount of resentment about this type. On the other hand, some of the best return rates of registration was for crippleware. Some people will refuse to look at any program that is crippled. If your goal is to achieve the widest distribution stay away from both crippleware and guiltware. What part of the program to cripple is a very difficult question. With games that take a long time to play, not allowing saving is good. Date limitations are also pretty good. Take the time to document what exactly is crippled so that the user is clearly aware of the advantages of registering. Remember that if you cripple that program too much no one will use it at all and if you don't cripple enough there is little incentive to register. You also get all the problems of shareware listed above. Guiltware/Inconvenienceware: Difficult to judge how much guilt to inflict. Probably nice to have the reminders to register increase in frequency the longer the program is used. Have a startup screen which displays registration information for several seconds. For inconvenience you might have the program display a sequence of random numbers which the user then has to type in each time the program is started. Alternatively, the program configuration might have to be re-entered after each startup. Other problems as listed under shareware. Something else to consider; do you want other people making money off of distributing your program? There are many companies that redistribute groups of shareware programs on floppies or via modem for a fee. It is possible that a user will feel that since he/she paid for the disk once, they don't need to pay you to register it. If this bothers you, you might consider putting a message barring distribution by these companies in your read.me file or opening screen. Have user's write to you if they got your program in such a way. Last, the following are some comments about services and information sources: " The best source of information regarding shareware is the Association of Shareware Professionals. This is a group of several hundred developers, many of which are authors of some of the most successful products available. The most practical way to interact with the ASP is via CompuServe. If you don't have access, you'll find it well worth your while (most computer dealers offer starter packages). The ASP shares several sections of the IBM PC JR forum on CompuServe (they're not affiliated - just an administrative grouping). Type GO SHAREWARE. You'll get all the information you need, and more through interactions with members and from library files in the forum. Membership gives you access to additional ASP sections, plus the right to reference the ASP in your distributions. It's pretty much the "Good Housekeeping" seal for shareware. There are, however, stringent requirements for membership in order to maintain the quality of ASP shareware. One of the chief rules is no crippling of software. You'll find out the reasons for this, plus other guidelines, hints, and experiences of authors. " " I'm sure lots of people will suggest you use the GNU license terms. Under this license, the Free Software Foundation allows anyone to use the software as one wishes. However, if one intends to distribute the software or any new software which depends upon the original package, one may not make a profit. In other words, use GNU software and your software is free if you want to let anyone else have it. The GNU license is getting pretty popular, even with people not associated with the FSF." "Before you actually release your software as shareware, please contact me. I am president of KarmaSoft. We currently have 2 products on the market Mail-O-Dex and Power Pinball. I would be very interested in talking to you about your product and even if we make no commitments I can help you with some simple advice. KarmaSoft is ** always ** interested in new software. Being a small and growing company, we can most likely take on small projects and make them profitable for both ourselves and the developer. It has taken years to secure distribution channels and advertising clout, but with that behind us we can most likely help you to profit from your efforts and bring new exciting software to the greatest number of end users. Please give me a call if you have any new great ideas that people may want. Tony Scott KarmaSoft P.O. Box 1034 Golden, Co. 80402-1034 (303)-277-1241 " "Hope this has been sorta helpful, but I'll tell you, if your product is good enough, maybe you should call a Software chain like Egghead Software and talk to them about marketing the product. I've talked to them, though never followed through. I will say that they are very helpful, full of suggestions, and can help you coordinate things like disk duplication, labels, packaging, etc." " Let me also turn you onto a REALLY good magazine that I've found - called Midnight Engineering. It's a relatively low-budget magazine that talks exclusively about getting products (mostly those produced "on the side" of a normal job) to the market. Topics I've seen covered in the current issue are: Software Protection schemes (hardware "key" devices) How to Patent an idea Alternate Funding for Your Startup Getting Your Program To Market (just discussed mail order though)" Much thanks to all who contributed. -Joe Burkley, burkley@cod.nosc.mil -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \ \_ _/ / =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Joe Burkley | O_O | "It's not enough that I succeed, | | burkley@cod.nosc.mil \/_\/ everyone else must fail." | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \_/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu (Joe Buck) (02/14/91)
In article <2816@cod.NOSC.MIL>, burkley@cod.NOSC.MIL (V. Joe Burkley) writes: |> " I'm sure lots of people will suggest you use the GNU license terms. |> Under this license, the Free Software Foundation allows anyone to use the |> software as one wishes. However, if one intends to distribute the |> software or any new software which depends upon the original package, |> one may not make a profit. In other words, use GNU software and your |> software is free if you want to let anyone else have it. The GNU license |> is getting pretty popular, even with people not associated with the FSF." This is false. FSF doesn't care if you make a profit, and many people are making a profit by distributing or supporting Gnu software (Young Minds will sell you all the FSF software on a CD-ROM and they make a profit on it; Cygnus Support, founded by Michael Tiemann, author of g++, makes money by supporting Gnu and other freely redistributable software). The important phrase is "freely redistributable" -- you cannot prevent anyone from freely redistributing FSF or FSF-derived software. You may charge for the service of distributing the software, and you can make a profit. "Free" in FSF does not mean "no money". It means "freely redistributable" -- though some opponents of FSF think they abuse the language with their interpretation of what that means, I'm done arguing about it. Followups to gnu.misc.discuss. -- Joe Buck jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu {uunet,ucbvax}!galileo.berkeley.edu!jbuck
time@ice.com (02/15/91)
In article <990@faatcrl.UUCP>, jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) writes: > That whole post smacked of a confidence scam. He comes off as trying to > help enlighten those considering to market their work via shareware to the > unviability of it and then "offers" to publish it for them, jeez... I agree. I have had a single shareware product for several years before I decided to give it away for free. Rolodesk remains a useful desk accessory that has been used for over 5 years! I created the DA for my own needs. During the first two years of a $5 shareware request, I had approximately 100 payments! I thought this was reasonable, although probably only about 10% of the persons using it. That was fine, and about what I expected. I did not offer anything in return for the $5 and letters followed me through 4 moves. I received approximately $500 for a four week (evenings) effort (initially) and several updates. After getting tired of cashing $5 checks and certainly having no need to, I decided to give the DA away for free. Still many people offered to pay me money, but I always convinced them to simply send me a letter with a suggestion or magazine from their city or country. This was fun! Each approach has advantages and disadvanatges. To name a couple - shareware is easy to do as an individual and will return some value for your work, and gives users a very flexible trial plan. Commercial software is a *lot* of work, with somewhat greater potential for revenues. How hard do you want to work? As for the original posting, I was disappointed with the bait and switch. It would have been more tolerable if the article had been a little more objective and thorough. tim. ------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Endres | time@ice.com ICE Engineering | uupsi!ice.com!time 8840 Main Street | Voice FAX Whitmore Lake MI. 48189 | (313) 449 8288 (313) 449 9208
johnston@oscar.ccm.udel.edu (Bill Johnston) (02/16/91)
In article <1CE00001.s1x5ye@tbomb.ice.com>, writes... >In article <990@faatcrl.UUCP>, jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) writes: >> That whole post smacked of a confidence scam. He comes off as trying to >> help enlighten those considering to market their work via shareware to the >> unviability of it and then "offers" to publish it for them, jeez... > >As for the original posting, I was disappointed with the bait and >switch. It would have been more tolerable if the article had been >a little more objective and thorough. This is NOT a fair representation! I read the original posting, the follow-up summary, and also a text file containing the original e-mail messages summarized by the author, Joe Burkley (burkley@cod.NOSC.MI). The only passage that contains an "offer to publish" was an excerpt from a mail message to Mr. Burkley from Tony Scott of KarmaSoft, Inc. (tscott@isis.cs.du.edu). It was a verbatim quote, as were all the other excerpts used in the summary. Having read the whole (52K) text file, I would also like to point out that Mr. Burkley put in a considerable effort with his text editor to get the summary into a concise, readable form. There was absolutely no "scam" or "bait and switch" associated with Mr. Burkley's posting, which was one of the most interesting that I have ever found. He followed net.ettiquette to the letter, and did us all a considerable service. Even the trivial points that were disputed (such as the definition of freeware, etc.) were distilled from the responses to Mr. Burkley's original request for information. Please keep posting, Joe! -- Bill (johnston@oscar.ccm.udel.edu) -- 38 Chambers St.; Newark, DE 19711; (302)368-1949
dce@smsc.sony.com (David Elliott) (02/20/91)
In article <990@faatcrl.UUCP>, jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) writes: |> That whole post smacked of a confidence scam. He comes off as trying to |> help enlighten those considering to market their work via shareware to the |> unviability of it and then "offers" to publish it for them, jeez... He did? Maybe you need to reread the article, starting with the title, before you pass judgement like this. This person (Joe Burkley) was summarizing the information he had received from people who had replied to a request for shareware experiences that he had posted a few weeks before. If the information he sent out was wrong, it's likely that it's because the replies he got were wrong, or at least conflicting. He didn't do a terrible job. As for the publishing offer, you might note that this was from a man named Tony Scott in Colorado, not from Joe, who is in San Diego. I didn't even see a conflict in that part of the article, since the quote clearly starts out "Before you actually release your software as shareware". To Joe Burkley: Thanks for posting the information you got, and don't let us scare you away (especially mean ol' Pete and Joe; They hate everyone ;-). -- ...David Elliott ...dce@smsc.sony.com | ...!{uunet,mips}!sonyusa!dce ...(408)944-4073 ..."His lower lip waved poutily with defiance..."