ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (02/21/91)
Wed 20-Feb-91: I have updated the first of my utility collections to be /pc/ts/tsutil31.arc. SYSINFO.EXE version 2.0 gives information about your PC. I have rewritten the entire code, because much of my original code dated back to my early days of Turbo Pascal programming. Part of this rewriting is invisible to the user, and is for my own edification. The visible changes are: (1) The free memory information has been completely rewritten. The result now agrees exactly with the result that is given by eg mapmem.exe memory mapper from tsrcom29.zip. (2) I have added a routine to search the memory above 1008k for bios identification string, and give the information. (3) The video mode identification recognizes more video modes than before. (4) The country specific format information has been augmented with new items. (5) The program call has now optional switches /h, /r and /s. (a) Switch /r makes redirection possible. Use SYSINFO /r > prn or SYSINFO /r >> your.log. (b) Switch /h (or ?) gives a trivial help. (c) Switch /s suppresses the program's virus selftest. (6) There is now multiline information on each of the disks, including as new items the volume label, the interleave factor, the number of fats, and the maximum number of file entries in the root directory. I'm well aware of the much more comprehensive infop145.zip InfoPlus system information program (in /pc/pd2 at garbo). Nevertheless, I've wanted again to look into system information retrieval with my own routines, and arrange the output of the information in a concise manner. STACK.EXE version 1.2 is a small program that tells the amount of the free memory. (I should have called it FRE.EXE). The free memory should now be given accurately, and tallies with what standard memory mappers give. The memory assessment is based on the information extracted from the PSP (program segment prefix) of stack.exe. TSUTIL31.ARC Utilities 1st collection T.Salmi Filename Comment Date Time -------- -------------------------------- ---- ---- DAY.EXE Gives a date in a weekday-format 03-10-90 11:58:36 DIRD.EXE Directories, different files 08-01-90 23:15:18 DIRS.EXE Directories, same files 08-01-90 23:15:16 DIRW.EXE As dir/w, recursive, file status 08-01-90 22:28:50 DTETIM.EXE Displays current date and time 11-04-89 13:04:28 DTETIMAL.EXE Check system clock from autoexec 08-01-90 22:54:32 GRAPINFO.EXE Detects your graphics hardware 06-25-89 19:13:18 PVMKLO.EXE Current date and time in Finnish 11-04-89 13:24:20 PVMKLOHL.EXE Check system clock in Finnish 11-04-89 14:02:00 RESET.EXE Resets 80 column text mode 08-15-88 07:49:32 STACK.EXE Tells available free memory 02-20-91 17:01:26 SYSINFO.EXE Information about your gadget 02-20-91 16:27:50 TIMDIF.EXE Difference between two times 03-10-90 12:29:38 TIMELOG.EXE For logging program usage 08-14-88 16:48:22 TSPROG.INF List of PD programs from T.Salmi 01-25-91 16:05:54 TSUTIL.INF Document 02-20-91 19:23:12 TSUTIL.NWS News announcements about tsutil 02-20-91 19:16:58 VAASA.INF Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa 02-02-90 11:52:54 ---- ------ ------ ----- 0018 213408 157635 27% ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun