[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] FTP Site for g++

lape@cs.utk.edu (Bryon S. Lape) (02/21/91)

	Is there any ftp site that I can get the g++ source from??


jgabriel@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (Juan Gabriel Ruiz Pinto) (02/24/91)

lape@cs.utk.edu (Bryon S. Lape) writes:

>	Is there any ftp site that I can get the g++ source from??

   Yes, I put the dj g++ files in the anounynous FTP server
  from mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx ( you can pick them
  here. The files are at the directory ~/ftp/pub/msdos/g++/

Juan Gabriel Ruiz Pinto                   Internet:
Ing. Sistemas Electronicos                jgabriel@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx
I.T.E.S.M. Campus Monterrey