[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Looking for Conquer type game

sugioka@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Cid Sugioka) (03/16/91)


I'm looking to find a Conquer type game for my IBM compatible.  If you haven't
heard of Conquer, it's a net strategy game for one or more players.  You 
control a nation and try to take over other nations (some of which may be 
computer NPCs).  You can build you nation by taking over surrounding land and
turing that land into farms, gold or metal mines, towns, forts, etc.  You need
the farms, gold, metals to create armies, ships, etc.  This game is set in a
fantasy/mideval (SP?) world that you help in its creation.  It has some magic/
spell casting (depeding on what race/type you choose).

Any suggestions (including commercial games) of similar type games would be
appreciated (by e-mail please).


Cid "Joe Cool" Sugioka               |  sugioka@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu 
If life is a test, cheat like hell!  |  CSUGIOKA@UHCCVX.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU  