wetcw@pyuxa.UUCP (T C Wheeler) (05/14/84)
The following is a list of 100 trivia questions from the 50s. As fate would have it, the answers to the questions have long flown the coop. Therefore, I suggest that everyone who wants to can contribute by submitting their answers by number. Maybe we can get all of the answers and then everyone can save his or her copy for use outside the net. I won't answer any that I know right now, but will contribute in about a week or so (if the ones I know have not been answered). 1. Who played Captain Video and the Video Rangers? 2. What did she say that he said that she had? 3. Who were the four Hit Parade singers? 4. What was the name of the dog on "Bachelor Father"? 5. What was the name of Sabu's elephant? 6. Who was Ramar of the Jungle? 7. Who was SId Stone? 8. Who were the three stars of "Six Gun Playhouse"? 9. Who sponsered John Cameron Swayze and the News? 10. Who played Officer Frank Smith? 11. What show starred Reed Hadely? 12. Who was Mr. District Attorney? 13. Who was "Mama"? 14. Who played "Trixie"? 15. What is a winky dink? 16. Who sponsored "I Love Lucy", "The Lone Ranger", and "Andy's Gang""? 17. Who played Socrotes Miller and on what show? 18. Who played Robert S. Beanblossom? 19. Who was Shultzie? 20. Who were the Haircuts? 21. How many men of Texaco were there? 22. Who were the three Mavericks? 23. Who played: "The Lawman", "Cheyenne", "Sugarfoot", "Richard Diamond", "The Rebel", "The Rifleman", and "The Lone Ranger"? 24. Who walked the Tightrope? 25. Which two actresses played Lois Lane? 26. What was Clorets magic ingredient? 27. Who was the "Cisco Kid"? 28. In "I Married Joan", what was Jim Backus' profession? 29. Who was "Dear Phoebe"? 30. Who were the ghosts in "Topper"? 31. Who was Frankie Machine? 32. In what town did "High Noon" take place? 33. What was the first "3-D" movie? 34. What was the first "Cinemascope" movie? 35. Who was the villain in "Blackboard Jungle"? 36. Who went around the world with David Niven? 37. Who was James Dean's brother in "East of Eden"? 38 What do the following movies have in common? "The Men", "Viva Zapata", "Julius Ceaser". 39. Who was the man in the gray flannel suit? 40. What was the best picture of 1952? 41. Who was "The Third Man"? 42. Who played "The Thing" and how did it die? 43. Who was Little Sheba? 44. What was Humphery Bogart's last movie? 45. Who was on deck when Bobby Thompson hit his 1951 playoff homer? 46. What was the starting Giant backfield of 1952? 47. Who was at bat last in Don Larson's perfect game and who was the opposing pitcher? 48. Name the starting ""Whiz Kids"? 49. Who ran the SECOND four minute mile? 50. Who was Eddie Gaedel? 51. The Yankees won pennants in all of the 50s except two years. Which two? Who beat them out? Who managed the winners? 52. What was Chico Carrassquel to Bobby Avila to Luke Easter? 53. Who was Marion Motley? 54. Who was Win Wilfong? 55. Who was Tuffy Bressune? 56. Who were Don Eagle, the Blimp, and the Baby Blimp? 57. Who won the 1956 Gold Medal in the pole vault? 58. Who won the 1956 Gold Medal in the 100 yard dash? 59. Who won the 1953 Kentucky Derby? 60. Who won the 1959 Rose Bowl? 61. What happened on October 4th, 1957? 62. Who first climbed Everest? 63. Who sang "Sh-Boom"? 64. Who sang "Sweet and Gentle"? 65. Who sang "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"? 66. Who sang "Smoke from your Cigarette"? 67. Who wrote "Till" 68. Who was "Miss Nibbs"? 69. What was the flip side to "Cry"? 70. Who sang "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer"? 71. What was Elvis' first hit? 72 What two groups recorded "The Wind"? 73. Who sang "Wheel of Fortune"? 74. Who were Adali Stevenson's running mates in 1952 and 1956? 75. Who were the opposing chief consels in the Army-McCarthy hearings? 76. Who succeeded Stalin? 77. Who was mayor of New York before Wagner? 78. Who was the third guilty party in the Rosenberg trial? 79. Who headed the Mau-Maus? 80. What happened on May 31st 1954? 81. Who did Rocky Marciano win the Heavyweight title from? 82. What was a Shotgun Shuba? 83. On what radio station was Alan Freed? 84. What show did Bud Collier Host? 85. Who hosted "Science Fiction Theater"? 86. Did the Dodgers win the 1955 World Series at home or on the road? 87. When did the Korean War begin and end? 88. In what movie did both Errol Flynn and Tyrone Power star? 89. Who was Joshua in the "Ten Commandments"? 90. Who was "Shane"? 91. Who were "The Animal" and "Betty Grable" in Stalag 17 and who was security? 92. Who was Fatso Marko? 93. What was the name of Ed Sullivan's show? 94. Who played Danny Thomas' two wives in "Make Room for Daddy"? 95. What did Ozzie do for a living? 96. Did the United States ever invade Lebanan before? 97. Who hosted "See it Now"? 98. Where did the Paragons meet the Jesters? 99. How much was the 1959 U. S. Government budget? 100. Who were the regulars on "Broadway Open House"? Everyone try to answer the ones they can. I will try to keep a going list of answers. T. C. Wheeler
chris@ism780.UUCP (05/18/84)
#R:pyuxa:-75600:ism780:13900002:000:343 ism780!chris May 17 11:34:00 1984 [bug evasion system activated] (28) Jim Backus was a judge in the show. (30) The ghost's character names were George and Marion Kirby. (62) Sir Edmund Hillary, and Tenzing Norquay. chris (The theme song words to "I married Joan" started off with "I married Joan, what a girl, what a world, what a wife" What was the second verse? )
wjhe@hlexa.UUCP (Bill Hery) (05/21/84)
I never received the original questions (or answers) on my news feed. Could someone please repost them or mail them to me. Thanks. Bill Hery ihnp4!hlexa!wjhe
mwm@ea.UUCP (05/25/84)
#R:pyuxa:-75600:ea:4000002:000:170 ea!mwm May 25 11:35:00 1984 I won't answer the questions I can, as I would be cheating. The problem is that CBN is running "I Married Joan," "Love That Bob," and "Bachelor Father" nights... <mike