(Kees denHartigh) (03/20/91)
I have heard through the grapevine that hyperdisk is a good piece of software however I am concerned with the warning generated by the install program. It says WARNING! make sure you have a complete backup of your system before installing! or some such thing. Now I am all for backups but I do get a little concerned when a message like this appears as it would require a great investment in time to restore the entire system if something goes wrong. Has anyone out thare installed hyperdisk? Did the install function as expected? Has anyone had trouble with the installation and actually had to restore thier hard drive? Inquiring minds want to know! -- Kees denHartigh Electrical Engineering Digital Labs alberta!bode!kees University of Alberta 238 Civil Elect Voice (403)492-5421 Edmonton, Alberta Canada Fax (403)492-1811 -- Kees denHartigh Electrical Engineering Digital Labs alberta!bode!kees University of Alberta 238 Civil Elect Voice (403)492-5421 Edmonton, Alberta Canada Fax (403)492-1811 (Parik Rao) (03/21/91)
The "backup before use" is a standard warning in many, many, many programs. That way authors don't have users scream at them when power-surge gremlins smash their FATs into little bits or whatnot. The only thing to be careful with HyperDisk is staged-writing. Basically it doesn't write to the drive right away; it waits around until the computer is free, and even then it won't write everything at once. Now, this of course can be a problem if you're reset-button happy or you accidently shut your computer off (it does intercept Ctrl-Alt-Del so you don't have to worry about rebooting that way). Anyways, when I installed HyperDisk for the first time I locked my hard drives (made them unwriteable) and tried out the cache. It worked fine, so I went on ahead and tried write-caching to a floppy disk. Worked fine, so I finally enabled one of my partitions (my games partition) and proceeded to do a lot of reading/writing/etc. Even used PC Tools Compress/DiskFix/etc and everything worked a-o.k, and now I use HyperDisk every day (and I LOVE it! I highly recommend buying SpeedKit, you get a nice manual, HyperDisk, HyperScreen, and HyperKey). -- Parik Rao, University of California Santa Barbara