[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] HP Math-8 font for EGA?

zlraa@marlin.jcu.edu.au (Ross Alford) (03/30/91)

I would like to find a downloadable EGA font that uses the HP Math-8
character set:  this has Greek alphanumerics in place of the roman ones,
plus a large number of maths symbols.  A few examples:  character 68 is
a capital delta, character 120 is lower-case omega, character 42 is a
If anyone knows of such a beast please let me know, as I'm not too pleased 
with the idea of spending at least several hours designing one on the editor 
that came with my EGA card.

Ross A. Alford
Department of Zoology                      Internet: zlraa@marlin.jcu.edu.au
James Cook University                      Phone:    +61 77 81 4732
Townsville, Qld 4811 Australia