ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (04/01/91)
Sun 31-Mar-91: I have some new files which I have looked at more closely at garbo.uwasa.fi archives: /pc/pd2 chk4c305.zip Detect various compressed .exe files by John Land. Fair, but what I would like as an option is an errorlevel for a given file to give the compression status (or have I missed something). Else I think that /pc/pd2/drx101.zip makes this program somewhat superfluous. /pc/astronomy cosmopak.zip Cosmos planetarium simulation 14.11 from Gene Lee. This is a package from the binary postings to delight astronomy fans. Ega and Vga graphics becoming commonplace has set the stage for some nice astronomy programs like this one and skyglob2.zip map which I recently acquired from a Finnish BBS. (I have seen some compatibility problems being reported with the latter). Cosmos being a science program I find it a bit strange using miles instead of the metric system. (I find miles strange anyway :-). /pc/comm dial11.zip Repeatedly dial a list of telephone numbers. I haven't tested this one. The author Jouni Leppajarvi (jml@stekt.oulu.fi) states in a message to me: "Dial11.arc contains dial 1.1, a pc-autodialer for hayes-modems that operates in background. New features (not in dial 1.0) : - can be aborted with a hotkey sequence - pause time between calls can be specified - automatic termination on incoming calls" /pc/dirutil dirno120.zip Annotate directories v 1.20 PcMag update. This is one of the useful utilities to alleviate the effect of the severely limited MsDos filename length. There is one annoying bug in dirnotes.exe, though. The BackSpace key wont work in the insert mode. /pc/screen flower.zip A cross between a screensaver and a demo (286 VGA). Be patient when you run. I first thought my 386 had crashed but it was only that the program is not a fast starter. The author Micael Dahlquist (f89-mda@nada.kth.se) writes: "Probably would do as a screen saver too. But it's not! No, it's some of the amusing backgrounds from the game Pong (that I am still writing on). Anyway, have fun. I do. To make this program work, you need a minimum of 80286 (processor) and VGA." ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun
ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (04/01/91)
Mon 01-Mar-91: I have acquired some new files which I have looked at more closely at garbo.uwasa.fi archives: /pc/dirutil go_3_0.zip Go to directories and find files v3.0 Richard Larkin This very handy shareware utility comes from the binary postings. Absolutely worth a closer look. Needs a spell to getting used to, though, but the F1 help function soon solves that. Configuring the advanced options takes some figuring out. Eg I wanted to put the auxiliary file go.dtl on my ram disk for my testing. It took me quite awhile to find out how to achieve this. Simple only in retrospect. (Incidentally, if you haven't come to think of it dc106f.zip Directory Control can also be used for an elementary point and shoot changing of directories. Go_3_0 and dc106f are not, however, substitutes for each other). /pc/diskutil pcopy90.zip Norm Patriquin's fabulous copy program version 9.0. Parti-Soft has produced many excellent utilities including this multi-purpose copier which now seems to have Daniel Collier as co-author. Excellent as pcopy is, I feel that the current version has become severely bloated. Therefore I'll retain pcopy85d.zip on garbo.uwasa.fi archives. In fact, personally I use version 7.87 on my desktop, and version 5.1! on my portable. A minor problem in 9.0 was that despite the documented claim I did not find any legend on the updates in the .doc file. /pc/fileutil ps44c.zip File and text search from Patri-Soft version 4.4c. An excellent menu driven text search with one silly bug. The program chrashes if ascii beyond 127 search strings are used. /pc/miscutil xdos202.zip ExtraDOS utilities v 2.02 from Foley Hi-Tech Systems A shareware collection of a little less than 30 utilities. Worth browsing. Contents: EXTRADOS.TXT CURLOCK.COM HUSH.COM SPKR.COM TURBOBAT.COM AREA.EXE BANNER.EXE BOOT.EXE CAL.EXE CAT.EXE CURSOR.EXE CUT.EXE DELAY.EXE DETAB.EXE EDIT.EXE EVAL.EXE FF.EXE FS.EXE FT.EXE HEX.EXE LASER.EXE LS.EXE MAZE.EXE MOVE.EXE SA.EXE TS.EXE PAUSE.SYS ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun