[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] VUIMG282, GIF & TIFF viewer

pingel@daimi.aau.dk (S|ren Pingel Dalsgaard) (04/04/91)

Could somebody please mail me the latest version of VUIMG (2.82?). It was
on comp.binaries.ibm.pc some time ago, but I never got part 2 (I do NOT
need part 2, but all parts!)

Pointer to a FTP site is all right.

                                          e-mail: pingel@daimi.aau.dk
  _____  __  __ __  _____  _____  __           or pingel@jt.dk
 |     \|  ||  \  |/  ___||  ___||  |     Soren Pingel Dalsgaard,
 |  ___/|  ||     || (__ ||  _|_ |  |__   Dept. of Computer Science,
 |__|   |__||__\__|\_____||_____||_____|  Aarhus University,

"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs,
 then the first woodpecker that came along would have destroyed
 civilization." - Gerald Weinberg
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