jacst30@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Joseph A Corella) (04/10/91)
I hope someone can help me out. I recently (Oct.90) purchased a Micro Express 386SX with 4 Mb RAM, SVGA monitor, and therefore 512K video memory. The facts are as follows: - The video card has 16 chips on it - at boot, the display says TRIDENT - PC Tools and Norton 5.0 only detect 256K of video memory - There is a graphics program known as GIFDESK 4.0, which I believe has been mentioned on this newsgroup. It is supposed to detect your video driver and configure things accordingly. However, if it does not, you can set the parameters yourself and make it run. When I run it, it doesn't work. When I manually set it for Trident (either VGA or SVGA), it goes completely haywire (behaves the same as mentioned above). When I set it to VGA, it works in black and white (the instructions say one must have at least 512K of vid. mem. and SVGA to operate in color). My question : Have I been shafted? Everything points to 256K of memory, and I also am now not sure if the monitor is SVGA (1024 x 768). Does anyone know of a utility which will correctly assess my video attributes, or any possible way to straighten out this mess? I sort of feel as though I'm standing at the border of paranoid and stupid - Any help will be appreciated. -Bill