(Peter Scott) (04/14/91)
I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.hypertext> HYCLASS.ZIP Hypertexed LC class &computer-related material "Hyclass" (version 1.0) is a memory resident and hot-key accessible hypertext program that can be run from any 8088 PC or above. Almost all files in this network are clean ASCII text files. Hyclass may be accessed while the user is working in other programs. The subject matter of this hypertext network would primarily concern catalog librarians in need of easy access to the Library of Congress (LC) classifications, or "call numbers," assigned to computer- and software-related materials of all kinds. (Program written by Clifford Urr) ................................................................... Peter Scott . Phone: 306-966-6016 Order Unit Manager . FAX: 306-966-6040 Univ of Saskatchewan Libraries . Saskatoon,Sask,Canada,S7N OWO . Internet: SCOTT@SKLIB.USASK.CA