In article <>, writes: > This has, I think come up, several times but does anyone of an ftp > or mail server site with some good outer-space GIF files, Voyager > fly-bys etc in GIF format. Grape does list some in its catalog but > its whole GIF area seems to have disappeared. Anyone out there in > net collect these? > > Mail to MDLCPGS@LHN.DSIR.GOVT.NZ > > Phil Scadden They aren't GIF files and I haven't figured them out completely, but the ENTIRE collection of Voyager photos is being made available at in: pub/SPACE/CDROM You'll need in: pub/SPACE/SOFTWARE to display them. The Voyager collection is on a set of 6 or 7 CD-ROMS which they are rotating on a weekly basis at this site. Kinney