chongo@nsc.UUCP (Landon C. Noll) (07/14/84)
Help! I'm trying to build a 'days in history' database. But I don't have anything (like birthdays, inventions, news events, records...) on: Jan: 15 22 29 Feb: 7 9 10 13 20 22 24 26 Mar: 2 3 5 6 17 18 20 22 23 25 26 Apr: 5 8 10 13 21 24 26 29 May: 8 20 25 31 Jun: 9 12 27 29 Jul: 3 5 11 18 19 22 24 25 26 27 31 Aug: 2 6 11 18 26 29 Sep: 3 4 10 19 Oct: 22 24 30 Nov: 6 7 17 Dec: 4 11 18 24 31 I'm looking for single historical and trivia events. (sorry, your birthday or repeated events like holidays don't count) I NEED THE YEAR TOO!!! If you have an event on an above date, or any obscure item i might not already have, please mail it with the day and YEAR and a line or 2 description to: hplabs!nsc!chongo <PLEASE dont post it, i need it sent via mail> chongo <thank you!> /\../\