) (04/24/91)
I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.turbopas> TOTDEMO.ZIP TechnoJock's Object Toolkit demos (TP5.5+),1/4 TOTDOC.ZIP TechnoJock's Object Toolkit documentation, 2/4 TOTNG.ZIP TechnoJock's Object Toolkit, Norton Guide, 3/4 TOTSRC.ZIP TechnoJock's Object Toolkit srces (TP5.5+),4/4 To quote from the introduction: "TechnoJock's Object Toolkit (or simply the Toolkit) is a library of objects, procedures and functions for Pascal programmers. While writing a PC program, most people spend 80% or more of their time writing the program's user interface, and only 20% on the "meat" of the applica- tion. The Toolkit is designed to provide a wealth of professional user interface tools which can eliminate up to 80% of your development work. For example, to display a sorted directory listing in a moveable window takes a mere three lines of code. The interface tools include such features as efficient screen writing, window management, menu management, full screen user input, list dis- playing, directory listing and much more. These tools give programs a truly professional appearance, and use the latest interface style with pop-up dialog boxes, scroll-bars and malleable windows, all with full mouse and keyboard support. As well as needing a user interface, many programs have to manipulate strings, access files, check attached hardware, and the like. The Tool- kit also provides a rich set of routines to help with these common tasks. If you are new to object oriented programming, you are in luck, for the Toolkit provides a great way for you to learn this powerful facility without requiring that you be a rocket scientist!" I received the package directly from the author, Bob 'TechnoJock' Ainsbury. I am not affiliated with his company, but I have beta-tested the toolkit, and I think it's a great help for today's TurboPascal programmer. -- Shareware. \Gisbert <S00100@DBNRHRZ1.BITNET> (zeroes, not ohs!) WIdO, Bonn, Germany