[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Turbo C Toolkit?

ncc1701@itsgw.rpi.edu (Mark O. Chadwick) (04/24/91)

S00100@DBNRHRZ1.BITNET ("Gisbert W.Selke, WIdO ", zeroes, not ohs!) writes:

>"TechnoJock's Object Toolkit (or simply the Toolkit) is a library of
>objects, procedures and functions for Pascal programmers...

>The interface tools include such features as efficient screen writing,
>window management, menu management, full screen user input, list dis-
>playing, directory listing and much more. These tools give programs a
>truly professional appearance, and use the latest interface style with
>pop-up dialog boxes, scroll-bars and malleable windows, all with full
>mouse and keyboard support.

Is there such a thing for Turbo C? I am kind of tired of writing my own
menu systems and so on...I would love to get a tookit like the one
mentioned above, made for Turbo C.

Thanks for any info in advance!

Mark "Emerson" Chadwick         ncc1701@rpi.edu  or  usergdes@rpitsmts.bitnet 
"It has come to the attention of management that employees have been dying on
the job. This practice MUST STOP.  Any employee found dead on the job, either
in an upright or prone position, will immediately be dropped from the payroll."