(Kevin Hawkins) (04/25/91)
I have a problem that maybe you guys could help me with. I accidentally removed the Command.Com program on my hard drive along with most of the other programs to other directories (yeah, I know...real stupid!). I then rebooted my system, and of course the hard drive wouldn't initialize, and when I booted up dos on disk, it couldn't access the C: drive. My question is, is there any way to regain access to the hard drive without reformatting it and therefore losing everything in there? I thought the s olution might be in changing partitions, but I'm not very well versed in my DOS usage. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty illiterate at the whole thing. So, if anyone could help me, I'd greatly appreciate it. If you send an explanation, make it relatively easy to understand, because like I said, I'm kind of illiterate in this area. Thanks a million!
IO92203@MAINE.BITNET (Scott Maxell) (04/25/91)
In article <>, (Kevin Hawkins) says: > >I have a problem that maybe you guys could help me with. I accidentally >removed the Command.Com program on my hard drive along with most of the other >programs to other directories (yeah, I know...real stupid!). I then rebooted y >m >system, and of course the hard drive wouldn't initialize, and when I booted >up >dos on disk, it couldn't access the C: drive. My question is, is there any y >wa >to regain access to the hard drive without reformatting it and therefore >losing >everything in there? One possibility is using the Norton Utilities or something similar to unerase the files that you need. Since you said you were kind of illiterate about the whole thing, I suspect that this may not be an option. I'm pretty sure there are some shareware programs that you can use to do this (unerase), assuming you couldn't find someone with the Norton Utilities to salvage the information on your drive. //////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ +---------+ Scott Maxell -- Bitnet ->> IO92203 @ maine | | -- Internet ->> IO92203 @ | O | | | | "What I need is a computer that will do what I want it to +---------+ do, not what I tell it to do..."