hartlemp@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Michael P Hartley) (04/30/91)
This is an issue that may be important to many news groups Currently, up in alt.sex.pictures.d, there is a major controversy brewing over the ability of somebody to intercept the posts to a.s.p, and replace it with a 'I was bad' message to a.s.p.d. I am wondering who and how the comp.binaries.ibm.pc is kept free of non-appropriate posts, since this is the supposed purpose of the 'atuoKiller', as s/he is called. The main problem is that many people do not get a.s.p.d, and they then post to a.s.p, which most places do get. This self-appointed judge-jury-killer will kill the post, forge a header, but with the same path, and then post a bogus message to a.s.p.d. Since (I believe) a.s.p is non-moderated, how is this possible? --- Mike