[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] New NNANSI version in works

toma@sail.LABS.TEK.COM (Tom Almy) (05/08/91)

I plan to be releasing an revised NNANSI.SYS Real Soon Now, and am looking
for any suggestions from current users for changes. The current version is
8/90 (August 1990).

Currently the new version differs in the following respects:

1. Default distribution has fast mode and graphics cursor turned off to
   reduce the number of "RTFM" bug reports. Those users that read the manual
   will be able to run in fast mode.
2. Extra display controllers supported. Most popular ones will be supplied
   as preassembled .sys files so that most users not having Turbo Assembler
   will not be left out.
3. NNANSI identifies itself as "ANSI.SYS" to COMMAND.COM so that the CLS
   command will work properly in other than 80/40 x 25 mode. (This is
   a problem with DOS 4.0, and probably will be with DOS 5.0; no problem
   using 4DOS, though).
4. NNANSI is compatible with the DOS 4.0 mode command, allowing "mode con"
   to work -- this is the "approved" way to change text display lines/columns.

I'm also considering changing bios_write_tty to FALSE for compatibility
reasons (again reducing "RTFM" problems), but am currently undecided
on this one.

If you have any suggestions for improvements/changes, please write!

Tom Almy
Standard Disclaimers Apply
Tom Almy
Standard Disclaimers Apply