[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] Screen Saver for Novell Network

gonzalm@prism.cs.orst.edu (Mario Gonzales) (05/11/91)

Hello All:

I am currently in search of a screen saver for the IBM AT.  We run on a Novell
Network and have tried several screen savers like Explosive and IM but 
they allways drop your network connection after being active for some time.

Also they all seem to have problems with Microsoft Works.  When they come
back from la-la land the mouse pointer zooms across the screen in a wild
furry and is under apparently Satan's control.  It is so bad that we have to
quit and restart the damn thing.  

If at all possible we would like to have either freeware or shareware so we
can test it for compatibility.

Thanks in Advance for any information.

Also if you currently are running on a Novell Net and have MS Works and other
graphical / mouse based programs .. How do the fare with the Screen saver?


Mario L. Gonzales

| Mario L. Gonzales    | gonzalm@prism.cs.orst.edu  <HOME>  | Oregon State   |
| Wilson Hall #311     | gonzalm@mist.cs.orst.edu           | Univeristy     |
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