jvs@ihu1e.UUCP (John V. Smith) (09/07/84)
<no-blank> Here are the results and answers to my beer slogan quiz. You got 1 point for each correct answer, 5 points if you could spot which beer slogan belongs to the defunct beer, and 7 points if you could spot the bogus slogan. 1. "The King Of Beers" Budweiser - an easy one! 2. "Pure Brewed In God's Country" Old Style! 3. "The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous" Schlitz! 4. "From The Land of Sky Blue Waters" Hamm's - the beer refreashing! 5. "The Champagne of (Bottled) Beers" Miller High Life - they don't use the "Bottled" anymore. The first time I ever drank this stuff, I sort of expected it to taste like something other than beer, because of this slogan. 6. "It's The Water" Olympia - what ever happened to those Artisians? 7. "The Choicest Product of the Brewers Art" Falstaff - one of my favorites! Everyone thought they knew this one, it had the most wrong answers - Andeker, Erlanger, Pabst? 8. "Americas only Fire Brewed Beer" Stroh's! 9. "Tastes As Great As Its Name" Old Milwaukee - Another easy one, even if you were just guessing. Still, I received some wrong answers for it. 10. "From Master Brewers a Master Beer" Meister Brau - a formally defunct beer, recently resurected by Miller. 11. "The Brew That Grew With The Great Northwest" Schmidt - this is the one made by Heileman, not to be confused with the "Schmidtt's" made by C. Schmidtt on the east coast. 12. "Brewed in the City of Wonderful Water" Point - from Stevens Point Wisconsin. 13. "Puts Pep In Your Step" Younger's - You never heard of it? That's probably because it hasn't been made for over forty years or so. No one guessed the name of this old brew (several people tried), but some did get points for this question. They thought it probably was an old beer with additives to make it a health drink. This is supposedly illegal now so they thought this led to its demise. Well sorry folks, no additives, just plain old beer from the east coast. You still get the points. Many thought this was the bogus slogan. 14. "The Beer That Is Beer" Walter's - what a slogan! 15. "The All American Brew For You" ? - That's right folks, "?". This is the one I made up. It's interesting that one person got this one, and it was just a lucky guess. Most people thought this the slogan for "Red White & Blue". Maybe that company ought to try this slogan since so many folks already know it. ********************************** Winners: Warren Moe houxf!wrmoe 11 points ? crisp 11 points Carol Preston fortune!preston 10 points Scott J. Berry houxz!disc 9 points Dick Dunn nbires!rcd 8.5 points Al Golnik hw3b!afg 7 points Larry Bickford qubix!lab 5 points As you can see, no one even came close to the perfect score of 27. ********************************* Is I Is or Is I Aint, I is John V. Smith