[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] EMSLB215.ZIP - EMS interface from Borland/Turbo C[++] & MSC

jwbirdsa@picarefy.UUCP ("James W. Birdsall") (06/03/91)

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

EMSLB215.ZIP    EMS interface from Borland/Turbo C[++] & MSC

EMSLIB provides a high-level interface to LIM EMS control functions
for common operations such as allocating, mapping, and freeing EMS,
and copying data to and from EMS.  More exotic functions are not
included.  The interface has been made independent of the version of
the EMS driver as far as possible, so that parameters and returned
data are always in the same format, but the EMS call most appropriate
to the EMS version implemented by the driver is used.  It is
compatible with Borland/Turbo C[++] and should work with MSC.

Free for private use; you must register only if you wish to distribute
programs using EMSLIB.

   --James W. Birdsall          picarefy!jwbirdsa@amc.com, jwbirdsa@amc.com