aporter@pilot.njin.net (Al Porter) (06/11/91)
I'm just getting started with MicroEmacs version 3.10. The word-wrap mode seems to work fine...but how can I make it become the default? Is there a configuration file or something I could create? Also, the README file mentions that the IBM-PC version supports VGA 50-line mode. It doesn't automatically recognize this mode when I start up MicroEmacs. How does one customize this program? Thanks for any help... (Please don't respond to this borrowed account.) -Adam (adam@research.nj.nec.com) ===================================================================== Adam Porter:Assistant SysAdmin, NEC Research Institute (609) 951-2568 4 Independence Way Princeton,NJ 08540 adam@research.nj.nec.com
ee5391aa@triton.unm.edu (Duke McMullan n5gax) (06/11/91)
In article <Jun.> aporter@pilot.njin.net (Al Porter) writes: >I'm just getting started with MicroEmacs version 3.10. The word-wrap >mode seems to work fine...but how can I make it become the default? >Is there a configuration file or something I could create? Also, the >README file mentions that the IBM-PC version supports VGA 50-line >mode. It doesn't automatically recognize this mode when I start up >MicroEmacs. How does one customize this program? The (optional) configuration file is called emacs.rc. Create it with a text editor...you might even use emacs. ;^) To get the 50-line (or whatever) display, the emacs.rc file should include this line: set $sres VGA It'll automatically come up in the high-vertical-resolution mode. On my sys- tem, I find the 50 (or is it 53?) line resolution rather tiring for most ap- plications, so I employ the following macros: 2 store-macro set $sres VGA !endm 3 store-macro set $sres CGA !endm Those allow me to toggle back and forth between the two screens. I've found that if you go from VGA to CGA with multiple windows open, then back, any windows which are completely occluded in CGA mode seem to be dropped into the bit bucket. This was with multiple windows on one file; I've never experi- mented with multiple files or buffers. I probably ought to rebuild those into one macro. They can be used in this manner; here's the way I get the <INSERT> key to toggle the "overwrite" mode: 1 store-macro !if &equal &band $cmode 32 32 delete-mode OVER !else add-mode OVER !endif !endm This also requires the statement: bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FNC to make <INSERT> call the first macro. I hope this helped. d
harper@convex.com (David Harper) (06/12/91)
In article <Jun.> aporter@pilot.njin.net (Al Porter) writes: > >I'm just getting started with MicroEmacs version 3.10. The word-wrap >mode seems to work fine...but how can I make it become the default? >Is there a configuration file or something I could create? Also, the >README file mentions that the IBM-PC version supports VGA 50-line >mode. It doesn't automatically recognize this mode when I start up >MicroEmacs. How does one customize this program? > >Thanks for any help... Sounds like you don't have the entire package - on simtel in the directory PD1:<MSDOS.UEMACS> there are several files pertaining to v3.10. Two that you might be interested in are UE310CMD.ARC which has command and startup files and UE310DOC.ARC which is a pretty good writeup on using MicroEmacs. Specifically, there is a startup file called "emacs.rc" which contains any special configuration you want, such as key bindings, mode selection, etc. If you put the line "add-global-mode WRAP" in this file, it will become one of the default modes on startup. Setting VGA mode is a little differnt and is done on the command line with the switch "-i$sres VGA" ($sres is an environment variable that handles screen resolution). You might also keep an eye on the comp.emacs newsgroup - although it covers both GNU and Micro Emacs, every once in a while you can pick up a real useful tidbit of information. Dave Harper - Convex Computer Corp. E-mail address: 3000 Waterview Pky. Richardson, TX 75081 harper@convex.COM (214) 497-4525 (W) (214) 727-4206 (H)
ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (06/12/91)
In article <Jun.> aporter@pilot.njin.net (Al Porter) writes: > >I'm just getting started with MicroEmacs version 3.10. The word-wrap >mode seems to work fine...but how can I make it become the default? >Is there a configuration file or something I could create? Also, the >README file mentions that the IBM-PC version supports VGA 50-line >mode. It doesn't automatically recognize this mode when I start up >MicroEmacs. How does one customize this program? Followups go to comp.editors. You put the defaults in emacs.rc (at root, path, or memacs dir, I think). Here are mine for this exasperating editor: ;EMACS.RC by Timo Salmi Wed 14-Nov-90 bind-to-key save-file ^X^D bind-to-key search-forward M-S bind-to-key beginning-of-line FN< bind-to-key end-of-line FN> ;bind-to-key exit-emacs ^X. bind-to-key exit-emacs M-Z bind-to-key execute-macro-1 ^X, ;bind-to-key execute-macro-27 ^X^C 1 store-macro set %curcol $curcol set %curcol &add %curcol 1 set %curline $curline write-message &cat &cat &cat "Line = " %curline ", Column = " %curcol !endm 27 store-macro write-message "Use (^X .) or (ESC-Z) to exit MicroEMACS" !endm unbind-key ^X^S ;save file unbind-key ^S ;search forward set $fillcol 68 add-global-mode WRAP add-mode "yellow" add-mode "BLACK" add-global-mode "yellow" add-global-mode "BLACK" ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun
pjh@mccc.edu (Pete Holsberg) (06/13/91)
In article <Jun.> aporter@pilot.njin.net (Al Porter) writes:
=I'm just getting started with MicroEmacs version 3.10. The word-wrap
=mode seems to work fine...but how can I make it become the default?
=Is there a configuration file or something I could create? Also, the
=README file mentions that the IBM-PC version supports VGA 50-line
=mode. It doesn't automatically recognize this mode when I start up
=MicroEmacs. How does one customize this program?
'Ja see any references to emacs.rc (or .emacsrc) in the docs?? ;-)
Prof. Peter J. Holsberg Mercer County Community College
Voice: 609-586-4800 Engineering Technology, Computers and Math
FAX: 609-586-6944 1200 Old Trenton Road, Trenton, NJ 08690
Internet: pjh@mccc.edu TCF 92 - April ??-??, 1992