[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] TSUTIL32.ARC utility collection update at garbo

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (06/15/91)

Sat 15-Jun-91: I use the following batch at regular intervals to
catalogue the contents of my harddisk. The ds.com and dirw.exe
programs are at my path:
  cd \
  ds en /s                      (ds is Norton's old directory sort)
  del c:\direc\c.dir > nul
  dirw /a /s >> c:\direc\c.dir  (dirw is from /pc/ts/tsutil32.arc)
I have updated this dirw.exe program, which is similar to MsDos
dir/w except that it shows file attributes and scans optionally also
the subdirectories. It now has a new switch /a to show allocated
bytes of the directories instead of the free bytes. On a recursive
scan of a hard disk this information is more interesting that the
repeated information about the free bytes and the drives total
   Since dirw.exe is a part of the first of my utility collections,
I have updated it to be /pc/ts/tsutil32.arc.

TSUTIL32.ARC    Utilities 1st collection T.Salmi
Filename        Comment                             Date      Time
--------        --------------------------------    ----      ----
DAY.EXE         Gives a date in a weekday-format  03-10-90  11:58:36
DIRD.EXE        Directories, different files      08-01-90  23:15:18
DIRS.EXE        Directories, same files           08-01-90  23:15:16
DIRW.EXE        As dir/w, recursive, file status  06-15-91  19:07:08
DTETIM.EXE      Displays current date and time    11-04-89  13:04:28
DTETIMAL.EXE    Check system clock from autoexec  08-01-90  22:54:32
GRAPINFO.EXE    Detects your graphics hardware    06-25-89  19:13:18
PVMKLO.EXE      Current date and time in Finnish  11-04-89  13:24:20
PVMKLOHL.EXE    Check system clock in Finnish     11-04-89  14:02:00
RESET.EXE       Resets 80 column text mode        08-15-88  07:49:32
STACK.EXE       Tells available free memory       02-20-91  17:01:26
SYSINFO.EXE     Information about your gadget     02-20-91  16:27:50
TIMDIF.EXE      Difference between two times      03-10-90  12:29:38
TIMELOG.EXE     For logging program usage         08-14-88  16:48:22
TSPROG.INF      List of PD programs from T.Salmi  03-30-91  10:23:20
TSUTIL.INF      Document                          06-15-91  19:25:00
TSUTIL.NWS      News announcements about tsutil   06-15-91  13:07:10
VAASA.INF       Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa  02-02-90  11:52:54
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Prof. Timo Salmi
Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun