[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d] About garbo.uwasa.fi moderators

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (06/16/91)

An extract from /pc/pd2/post03.txt garbo information collections
(the former parts post01.txt and post02.txt have 30 messages each):

From: ts@uwasa.fi
Subject: Whom should you call?
To: garbo users
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 23:10:00 EET DST

Who's Who and Whom Should You Call on uwasa.fi Archives

By Prof. Timo Salmi, Fri 14-Jun-1991

University of Vaasa, Finland, node number
(garbo.uwasa.fi), a MIPS R2030 workstation, has a large collection
of PD and shareware programs which are available by anonymous ftp
(file transfer program) and mail server.  This file gives
information on the moderators of garbo archives, and their
specialities so that you would know who to contact with your
potential queries already to begin with.  (There is more information
for uploaders in /pc/UPLOAD.INF which you should see before
uploading to garbo.uwasa.fi archives). 

Site:           garbo.uwasa.fi
Location:       University of Vaasa, Finland
Main areas:     msdos, win3, ts-progs, unix
Moderator(s):   Timo Salmi, ts@uwasa.fi, salmi@finfun.bitnet
                Harri Valkama, hv@garbo.uwasa.fi  (+ garbo system mgr)
                Hannu Hirvonen, hh@chyde.uwasa.fi (+ chyde system mgr)

Timo Salmi ts@chyde.uwasa.fi

Main interests:
 - garbo.uwasa.fi publicity (in particular MsDos programs and

Special interests:
 - Turbo Pascal (5.0) programs: the /pc/ts program collection
 - Collecting high quality MsDos utility programs to garbo archives

Areas somewhat outside scope:
 - Unix related problems

Areas totally outside scope (direct these questions to the fellow
 - All Mac files related questions
 - All Windows files related questions
 - All Unix X-windows files questions
 - Problems with uwasa.fi email and IP addresses
 - Problems connecting to garbo.uwasa.fi archives
Prof. Timo Salmi
Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

Harri Valkama hv@garbo.uwasa.fi (also root@garbo.uwasa.fi)

Main interests:
 - garbo.uwasa.fi ftp archive maintenance
 - garbo.uwasa.fi mail-server maintenance
 - garbo.uwasa.fi system management

Special interests include:
 - Unix and X11 files

== Harri Valkama, University of Vaasa, Finland ============================
 P.O. Box 700, 65101 VAASA, Finland (tel:+358 61 248426 fax:+358 61 248465)
 Anon ftp garbo.uwasa.fi ( & nic.funet.fi (
 hv@uwasa.fi hv@finfiles.bitnet /s=hv/o=uwasa/prdm=inet/amdm=fumail/c=fi

Hannu Hirvonen hh@chyde.uwasa.fi

Main interests:
 - chyde.uwasa.fi system manager and postmaster, i.e. our foremost
   system manager extraordinaire
 - VAX/VMS files

Special interests include:
 - Unix and X11 files

    Hannu Hirvonen, Computer Centre, U of Vaasa  !  P.O. BOX 297
    hh@uwasa.fi, HIRVONEN@FINFUN.bitnet          !  SF-65101 Vaasa, Finland