[sci.logic] call for papers

lugiez@loria.crin.fr (Denis Lugiez) (11/08/89)

                       CALL FOR PAPERS

                Second International Conference on


                October 1-3, 1990, Nancy (France)

Following the intention of our first symposium held in Gaussig (GDR)
in November 1988, this Second International Conference aims at
strengthening the connections between Algebraic Programming and
Logic Programming.

A non-exclusive list of topics includes:
- Semantics of Algebraic and Logic Programming
- Term Rewriting, Narrowing, Resolution
- Constrained Logic Programming
- Concurrent features in Algebraic and Logic Programming languages
- Implementation issues (with possible system demonstrations).

Invited talks by Joseph Goguen, Jean-Louis Lassez and Pierre Lescanne
are expected in the scientific program.

Five copies of each submitted paper should be sent to arrive by
April 27, 1990 to Wolfgang Wechler.
Papers must not exceed 15 proceedings pages (6x9 inches,
12 point type, up to 5,000 words) and must not be simultaneously
submitted for publication elsewhere.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by June 15, 1990.
Camera-ready copies will be due by July 13, 1990.
We anticipate the proceedings to be published as a LNCS volume by
Springer Verlag.

                        Program Committee

Jan Bergstra (Amsterdam)
Hubert Comon (Orsay)
Hans-Dieter Ehrig (Braunschweig)
Heinrich Hussmann (Munich)
Helene Kirchner (Nancy), Co-chair
Grigori Kucherov (Novosibirsk)
Gert Smolka (Stuttgart)
Magnus Steinby (Turku)
Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw)
Wolfgang Wechler (Braunschweig), Co-chair
Jia-Huai You (Edmonton)

Correspondence should be addressed to

Helene Kirchner                   or         Wolfgang Wechler
CRIN                                         TU Braunschweig
BP239                                        Theoretische Informatik
54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex             Postfach 3329
FRANCE                                       D-3300 Braunschweig
e-mail:hkirchne@loria.crin.fr                e-mail:wechler@infbs.uucp
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.