vs@tarski.cs.umd.edu (VS Subrahmanian) (10/03/90)
\documentstyle{article} %\pagestyle{empty} \textwidth=6in \textheight=9.1in \hoffset=-.25in \voffset=-1in \parskip=.1in \def\jump{\vspace{0.2in}} \begin{document} \baselineskip = 16pt \begin{center} {\large Workshop on}\\ $\: \:$ \\ {\Large\bf Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning}\\ $\: $ \\ {\large TECHNICAL PROGRAM}\\ $\: $ \\ Austin, Texas\\ Nov. 1-2, 1990. \end{center} \vspace{0.3in} \noindent {\em Thursday, Nov. 1. 1990.} \begin{tabbing} nnnnnnnnn \= nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn\= \kill 1:30PM: \> Welcome - V.S. Subrahmanian\\ 1:45PM: \> Computational Aspects of the Perfect Model Semantics\\ $\: $ \> {\em Krzysztof R. Apt} (CWI, Amsterdam)\\ 2:15PM: \> Modal Non-Monotonic Logic with Restricted Application\\ $\:$ \> of the Negation-as-Failure Rule\\ $\:$ \> {\em M. Truszczynski} (Kentucky)\\ 2:45PM: \> Embedding a Default System into Non-Monotonic Logics\\ $\:$ \> {\em M. Kaminski} (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)\\ \\ 3:15PM: \> COFFEE BREAK \\ \\ 3:45PM: \> The Meaning of Negative Premises in Transition System Specifications\\ $\:$ \> {\em R. N. Bol and J. Groote} (CWI, Amsterdam)\\ 4:15PM: \> Autoepistemic Logic Revisited: The Bias-Free Stable Semantics\\ $\:$ \> {\em V.S. Lakshmanan} (Concordia)\\ 4:45PM: \> Integrating Assumption Based and Non-Monotonic Reasoning\\ $\:$ \> {\em S. Pimentel} (Inst. for Defence Analyses) and {\em W. Rodi} (MIT)\\ \\ $\:$ \> COFFEE BREAK\\ \\ 5:00PM: \> PANEL DISCUSSION: \\ $\:$ \> Topic: Directions for Non-Monotonic Reasoning in Logic Programming\\ $\:$ \> Participants: {\em O. Dressler} (Siemens, Germany), {\em A. Nerode} (Cornell)\\ $\:$ \> {\em V.S.Subrahmanian} (Maryland), {\em C. Zaniolo} (MCC)\\ \\ 6:15PM : \> DINNER (on your own)\\ \\ 8:30PM: \> A Comparative Study of the Well Founded and Stable Model\\ $\: $ \> Semantics: Transformation's Viewpoint\\ $\: $ \> {\em H. Seki} (ICOT)\\ 8:50PM: \> A New Form of Circumscription for Logic Programs\\ $\:$ \> {\em A. Van Gelder} (UC, Santa Cruz)\\ 9:10PM: \> Programming with Default Logic\\ $\:$ \> {\em F. Yang} (Syracuse), {\em A. Brown} (Xerox Webster) and {\em H. Blair} (Syracuse)\\ 9:30PM: \> Metalevel Negation in Non-Monotonic Reasoning\\ $\:$ \> {\em S. Costantini} and {\em G. Lanzarone} (Milan)\\ 9:50PM: \> The LOCO Language: towards an integration of Logic and Object\\ $\:$ \> Oriented Programming\\ $\:$ \> {\em E. Laenens, B. Verdonk, D. Vermeir} (Antwerp) and {\em D. Sacca} (Calabria)\\ 10:10PM: \> A Semantically Justified Approach to Non-Monotonic Reasoning in\\ $\:$ \> Logic Programming\\ $\:$ \> {\em J. Delgrande} (Simon Fraser)\\ 10:30PM: \> Abductive Logic Programming\\ $\:$ \> {\em A.C. Kakas} (Imperial College) and {\em P. Mancarella} (Pisa)\\ 10:50PM: \> Possible Model Semantics for Disjunctive Databases II\\ $\: $\> {\em C. Sakama} (Japan)\\ 11:10PM: \> On Reasoning with Closed World Databases with Disjunctive Views\\ $\:$ \> {\em M. Suchenek} (Cal. State Univ.) and {\em R. Sunderraman} (Wichita)\\ \end{tabbing} \vspace{0.3in} \noindent {\em Friday, Nov. 2. 1990.} \begin{tabbing} nnnnnnnnn \= nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn\= \kill 8:30AM:\> A More General Solution to the Multiple Expansion Problem\\ $\:$ \> P. Bonatti (Pisa)\\ 9:00AM:\> Stable Models of Programs and the Hierarchy of Subsets of Functions Spaces\\ $\: $\> W. Marek, A. Nerode and J. Remmel\\ 9:30AM:\> Declarative Semantics for Pruning Operators in Logic Programming\\ $\:$ \> F. Giannotti, D. Pedreschi (Pisa) and C. Zaniolo (MCC)\\ \\ 10:00AM: COFFEE BREAK\\ \\ 10:15AM: \> The Case for Explicit Exceptions\\ $\:$ \> L. T. McCarty and W. W. Cohen (Rutgers)\\ 10:45AM: \> A Preferred Model Semantics for Inheritance Systems\\ $\:$ \> L. Sonenberg and R. Topor (Melbourne)\\ 11:15AM: \> Three Valued Non-Monotonic Formalism and Semantics of Logic Programs\\ $\:$ \> T. Przymusinski (El Paso)\\ 11:45AM: \> On the Existence of Stable Models for General Logic Programs\\ $\: $ \> Francois Fages (France)\\ 12:15PM: \> Topic to be Announced\\ $\: $ \> Oskar Dressler (Siemens, West Germany).\\ 12:45PM: \> Concluding Remarks\\ $\: $ \> Wiktor Marek\\ \end{tabbing} \end{document}