henk@cs.kun.nl (Henk Barendregt) (03/19/91)
ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL FOR REGISTRATION S U M M E R S C H O O L O N L A M B D A C A L C U L U S Nijmegen, July 8-12, 1991 One week before the Logic in Computer Science meeting (Amsterdam, July 15- 18, 1991) there will be a summerschool on lambda calculus (typed and untyped) held in Nijmegen, organized by the Research Institute for Declarative Systems of the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The summerschool will take place from Monday, July 8 until Friday, July 12, 1991, at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. There will be four courses. 1. Introduction to lambda calculus Syntax of terms, conversion, fixed points, reduction, Church-Rosser theorem, representation of recursive functions, Boehm trees, simple lambda models, types. 2. Advanced lambda calculus The theory of constructions and its fine structure, logics as type systems, proofs of strong normalisation, logically inconsistent systems. 3. Categorical semantics Adjunctions, cartesian closed categories, indexed categories, unified framework for models of lambda calculus (type-free, simply typed and polymorphically typed). 4. Presentation techniques How to write, how to speak. The lecturers are: Henk Barendregt, Erik Barendsen, Wil Dekkers, Herman Geuvers, and Bart Jacobs. Courses 1 and 2 are given in parallel so it is not possible to attend them both. The courses 1, 2, and 3 will be accompanied by a series of problem sessions. Registration costs are US$ 50 when registered before May 1st, otherwise US$ 75. Assistance for finding hotels will be provided. Daily living costs are about US$ 100. The number of possible participants is limited. Those who want to receive a registration form are kindly requested to write or e-mail to Henk Barendregt, Summerschool '91, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands, e-mail: sus91@cs.kun.nl.