[comp.simulation] SIMULATION DIGEST V11 N8

simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu (Moderator: Paul Fishwick) (10/09/89)

Volume: 11, Issue: 8, Mon Oct  9 09:47:44 EDT 1989


(1) Need Address Traces
(2) Workstation Symposium
(3) SPICE Availability
(4) Optimality Considerations of Time Warp
(5) Conservative Parallel Simulation

* Moderator: Paul Fishwick, Univ. of Florida
* Send topical mail to: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu OR
  post to comp.simulation via USENET
* Archives available via FTP to bikini.cis.ufl.edu, login as
  'ftp', use your last name as the password, change
  directory to pub/simdigest.
* Simulation Tools available by doing above and changing the
  directory to pub/simdigest/tools.


Return-Path: <news@CS.UCLA.EDU>
To: comp-simulation@uunet.uu.net
Path: ucla-cs!kurisaki
From: kurisaki@CS.UCLA.EDU (Lance Kurisaki)
Newsgroups: comp.parallel,comp.simulation
Subject: Need address traces
Date: 5 Oct 89 20:47:43 GMT
Sender: news@CS.UCLA.EDU
Reply-To: kurisaki@CS.UCLA.EDU (Lance Kurisaki)
Organization: UCLA Computer Science Department

	I need to get a hold of some address traces generated
by applications running on a multiprocessor to use in
a simulator of a multistage interconnection network.  Could
anyone point me in the righty direction?  Thanks a lot.

				Lance Kurisaki


Date: Fri, 6 Oct 89 09:17:38 EDT
From: kra@demon.siemens.com (Kenneth R Anderson)
To: fishwick@fish.cis.ufl.edu
Subject: Workstation Symposium

             Design - Management - Office - Personal

                      October 24-26, 1989

October. 24 -- TUTORIALS:

     I.   Complex Software Success
     II.  VHDL
     III. Expert Systems
     IV.  Desktop Management Tools (including"MAC PROJECT")
     V.   PC-Based DBMs
     VI.  Practical Shells, Databases, & Spreadsheets


     * Design Automation Key to Innovation & Productivity
     * CAE Workstations for the System Designer
     * The Office Workstation:  Putting the Tools to Work
     * Desktop computing for Managers and Administrators
     * MUCH MORE ...

LOCATION:  Johns Hopkins/Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD

MORE INFO CONTACT: Carol Daly, Tel (301) 792-5365

                    JHU/APL, Johns Hopkins Road

                    Laurel, MD  20707


Date:     6 Oct 1989 15:20:19-WET
Subject:  SPICE
From: Julian Daley <jdaley%UXG.UMDS.LON.AC.UK@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu>
To: simulation@BIKINI.CIS.UFL.EDU

As a new subscriber to the list I would like to ask some
questions about SPICE.

     What is the latest version ?
     Can I get the source (C or Fortran) ?
     Does anyone have models for *real* MOSFET devices, diodes etc ?

Guys's Hospital, London.


Date: Sat, 7 Oct 89 20:22:25 -0700
From: liny@june.cs.washington.edu (Yi-Bing Lin)
Return-Path: <liny@june.cs.washington.edu>
To: fishwick@bikini.cis.ufl.edu
Subject: Optimality considerations of Time Warp

The following paper is accepted by 1990 Distributed Simulation
Conference. The technical report (TR 89-07-05) can be requested via
e-mail: tech-report@june.cs.washington.edu


		Yi-Bing Lin and Ed. Lazowska 
       Department of Computer Science and Engineering
		  University of Washington
	 	      Seattle, WA 98195

The critical path in the event-precedence graph of a simulation
application is a lower bound of execution time for any conservative
parallel simulation. We refer to any parallel simulation that achieves
this time as a conservative optimal simulation.  This paper derives a
relationship between a conservative optimal simulation and the ``Time
Warp'' or ``optimistic'' parallel simulation, and compares the
performance of the Time Warp simulation with Chandy-Misra conservative

We show that Time Warp simulation with aggressive cancellation is not
conservative optimal in general, even under the assumption that the
operational overhead (such as state saving/restoration and global
virtual time calculation) is 0.  We do, however, derive a sufficient
condition for Time Warp to be conservative optimal, and we show some
simulation problems that meet this condition.  (We refer to such
simulations as Time Warp simulations that satisfy the sufficient
conservative optimal condition or TWSO.) We show that by applying the
lazy cancellation technique to TWSO, Time Warp always outperforms a
conservative optimal simulation.  Given what we feel are equivalently
favorable assumptions for both the Time Warp approach and the
Chandy-Misra approach, we show that the Time Warp approach outperforms
the Chandy-Misra approach in every feedforward network simulation.
For feedback networks without lookahead, we show that in most cases
Time Warp outperforms Chandy-Misra, even assuming that deadlock
detection/recovery overhead is 0 in the Chandy-Misra simulation.


Date: Sat, 7 Oct 89 20:24:50 -0700
From: liny@june.cs.washington.edu (Yi-Bing Lin)
Return-Path: <liny@june.cs.washington.edu>
To: fishwick@bikini.cis.ufl.edu
Subject: Conservative parallel simulation for systems with no lookahead

The following paper is accepted by 1990 Distributed Simulation
Conference. The technical report (TR 89-07-07) can be requested via
e-mail: tech-report@june.cs.washington.edu


	Yi-Bing Lin, Ed. Lazowska and Jean-Loup Baer
       Department of Computer Science and Engineering
		  University of Washington
	 	      Seattle, WA 98195


The most popular conservative parallel simulation approach is the
Chandy-Misra approach, referred to here as the Chandy-Misra basic
scheme (CMB). When a CMB simulation includes a feedback loop (i.e.,
when a message may ``circulate'' in a loop of processes), there is the
probability that deadlocks will occur.  To deal with deadlocks in
Chandy-Misra simulations, two modified algorithms, the Chandy-Misra
deadlock avoidance (DA) and deadlock recovery (DR) algorithms, have
been proposed.  The DA algorithm is widely used for simulating systems
with lookahead prediction.  (In a system with lookahead prediction,
each feedback loop of the system contains at least one logical process
p with some lookahead value d such that if a message arrives at p at
timestamp t, there is no output message scheduled by p with timestamp
less than t+d) The DR algorithm has been recognized, up to this point,
as the only conservative approach for simulating systems with no
lookahead prediction. This paper shows that a better approach for
simulating systems with no lookahead prediction is to reconfigure the
system such that there is no feedback loop, and use the CMB algorithm
to perform the simulation.  We identify the overheads of this
approach, and devise both an analytical model and a number of
simulation experiments to estimate its performance.

