[comp.simulation] SIMULATION DIGEST V13 N2

simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu (Moderator: Paul Fishwick) (12/20/89)

Volume: 13, Issue: 2, Tue Dec 19 15:59:05 EST 1989


FORUM: Discrete Event Methods
 (1) Combined Simulation Techniques
 (2) Re: Combined Simulation
 (3) Unscheduling with Continuous Parameters
 (4) Simulating CPU's
 (5) RE: Yet another GVT Algorithm
 (6) CHI in AeroSpace Systems

* Moderator: Paul Fishwick, Univ. of Florida
* Send topical mail to: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu OR
  post to comp.simulation via USENET
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Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 11:02:16 -0500
From: Paul Fishwick <fishwick@fish.cis.ufl.edu>
To: narain@rand.org, simulation@ufl.edu, steve@titan.tsd.arlut.utexas.edu

This is a comment on Sanjai Narain's recent posting:

Sanjai writes:

> The event scheduling view of the discrete-event technique is generally
> intended to simulate discrete systems, i.e. those whose state changes only
> at discrete instants of time.  When continuous parameters are involved,
> e.g. position, temperature, voltage, pressure, the technique is suitably
> extended.  However, sometimes the extension is not obvious for situations
> such as the one defined by the following rules:

>        If a chip is put into the furnace at time T then it is cooked at
>        time T+300, provided the temperature of the furnace never drops
>        below 700 at any point of time between T and T+300.

>	Temperature of furnace at time 0 is 800.

>        When furnace is switched off, temperature drop is given by the
>        continuous function f(t).  Similarly, when furnace is switched on,
>        temperature rise is given by the continuous function g(t).

>Now, suppose an event "chip put into furnace" occurs at time 0.  By the
>discrete-event technique, we would schedule the event "chip cooked" for
>time 300.  Now, suppose an event "furnace switched off" occurs at time
>100.  Question:

>	 Do we unschedule "chip cooked" for time 300?

With current techniques for combined simulation (continuous and discrete),
one *would not* schedule the event "chip cooked" when "chip is put into
furnace" at time 0. In a combined simulation, the continuous part of
the process "drives" the simulation --- that is, time is incremented in
small steps. Therefore the logic for the above might be something like:

   WHILE NOT(event-occur) AND elapsed-time < 300 DO Solve g(t).

It is only when elapsed-time = 300, that the event "chip cooked" actually
gets scheduled. If the model is correctly constructed, it is not essential
to "look back" (at least in a non-distributed simulation).


| Prof. Paul A. Fishwick.... INTERNET: fishwick@bikini.cis.ufl.edu       |
| Dept. of Computer Science. UUCP: gatech!uflorida!fishwick              |
| Univ. of Florida.......... PHONE: (904)-335-8036                       |
| Bldg. CSE, Room 301....... FAX is available                            |
| Gainesville, FL 32611.....                                             |


Posted-Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 11:21:38 CST
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 11:21:38 CST
From: steve@titan.tsd.arlut.utexas.edu (Steve Glicker)
To: fishwick@fish.cis.ufl.edu, narain@rand.org, simulation@ufl.edu
Subject: DMOD
Cc: steve@cs.utexas.edu

This is a response to the discussion on DMOD, lead by Sanjai Narain:

I agree with Paul in the case of a combined simulation and that it is
not necessary to "look back".  I think that a similar point can be
made in the case where a continuous technique is not required.  In
this case we would not deschedule "chip cooked" until we knew it
would not be cooked at time 300.  When the furnace was turned off we
would compute f(switch-off-time) and schedule an event to indicate
when the temperature was too low.  If the "too low" event occurred (was
not canceled) we would have to deschedule "chip cooked".

Steve Glicker


To: simulation@ufl.edu, steve@titan.tsd.arlut.utexas.edu,
Subject: Unscheduling with continuous parameters
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 11:47:48 PST
From: narain%pluto@rand.org

Convention:  An event is represented as a tuple <C,T> where C is the
content of the event and T is its time stamp.

The responses I have received regarding my question/doubt about the use of
the event-scheduling view of the discret-event technique seem to fall in
two categories:

(a) Sample temperature at a sufficiently fast rate and when it falls below
700, unschedule <chip-cooked,300>.  The problem, however, is that sampling
can be very inefficient.

(b) When <furnace-off,100> occurs, calculate the earliest time T at which
temperature could fall below 700.  Schedule an event e.g.
<temp-falls-below-700,T>.  If this occurs, unschedule <chip-cooked,300>.
Also ensure that <temp-falls-below-700,T> is unscheduled should
<furnace-on,X> occur for any time 100<X<T.

The problem with this approach is the creation of extra events and the
surrounding scheduling/unscheduling logic.  If you look back, as in DMOD,
you only need to write an algorithm which determines whether the
temperature has ever fallen below 700 between 0 and 300.  The algorithm
can be part of the causality rule e.g.

	<chip-in,T> causes <chip-cooked,T+300> if

This rule (suitably transformed into DMOD syntax) can be directly
executed.  You do not have to break it up into several pieces of code
doing scheduling and unscheduling, whose declarative meaning is not very
clear anyway.

Also, Steve Glicker has requested clarification of terminology in DMOD.
This can be obtained from our WSC-89 paper "A logic for simulating dynamic
systems".  A superset of it will be ready in a few weeks.  In particular,
it will show how one can formally prove temporal properties of modeled

I would just like to add that the output of a DMOD simulation is only the
set of events which occurred, NOT all events which were considered for
occurrence (scheduled, in common parlance).  Furthermore, the notion of
causation subsumes those of scheduling and unscheduling.  One need not
think in terms of these or event queues.

Sanjai Narain


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Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Path: dvlsbd
From: dvlsbd@cs.umu.se ()
Subject: Processor simulation
Keywords: Processor simulation
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Organization: Dep. of Info.Proc, Umea Univ., Sweden
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 11:05:07 GMT

	Hello out there - I hope this is an appropriate newsgroup
for my question. What I wonder is: does there exist any programs which
simulate processors out there? PD or commercial? I am particualy
interested in simulation of MOTOROLA processors (e.g. 68000 inchip), 
but everything is of interest. Please email -    and... thanks!

| usenet: dvlsbd@cs.umu.se         # The limits of my language mean  |
|                                  # the limits of my world.         |
|                                  #              - L. Wittgenstein  |


Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 08:42:11 PST
From: reiher@onyx.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Peter Reiher)
To: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu
Subject: Re: Yet another GVT Algorithm

If I understand your proposed GVT algorithm correctly, it makes certain 
assumptions about message delivery.  In particular, it seems to me that it
does not take into account messages "in transit", messages which have been
sent by the sending object but have not yet arrived at the receiving object's
input queue.  If your system can guarantee that all such messages will be
put in the receiving object's input queue within the time required to make
two circuits, it will probably work.  If not, the underlying message 
subdelivery system may choose to deliver a message with a pre-GVT value sent 
just before the GVT calculation started just after the calculation completes.  
(Messages in transit have always caused the greatest problems with GVT 
calculations here at JPL.)

Let me try a scenario to make sure I understand.  There are two processes, A
and B.  A is the GVT master.  A sends a message to B with receive time 100.
A then starts executing its next message, at receive time 200.  Upon 
completion, A decides to start a GVT calculation.  It gathers its own clock 
value (say it's 250) and B's (150, say, because the message A sent to B has 
not yet been delivered).  A proposes 150, passes the token to B, and marks 
itself white.  B looks at its queues, finds no messages earlier than 150, 
saves the value "150", passes the token back to A, and marks itself white.  
The token is still white, since no one has disagreed with the proposed value.  
A passes the token to B.  B still has not received the message at time 100, 
so B leaves the token white and passes it to A.  A has not rolled back, 
either, so it leaves the token white.  A notices at this point that the token 
has made two complete trips, so it sets its GVT to 150, the proposed value, 
and broadcasts that value to B.  B sets its GVT to 150 and garbage collects 
an input message at time 125.  Now the tardy message delivery system chooses 
to deliver A's message to B with timestamp 100.  B rolls back before GVT and 
chaos ensues.  Unless some mechanism ensures that the timestamp 100 message 
gets delivered before the token makes its second appearance at B, the 
algorithm will fail.  Am I missing something?

I don't think one can get around the need to keep track of the receive time
of undelivered messages unless there is some guarantee about ordering of
delivery or the maximum time required to get a message into an input queue.
If one has no such guarantees, then a message can hang around arbitrarily in
the ether waiting for delivery, while neither the sender nor the receiver
take responsibility for it in the GVT calculation.

			Peter Reiher
			. . . cit-vax!elroy!jato!jade!reiher


Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 15:52:25 -0500
From: Paul Fishwick <fishwick@fish.cis.ufl.edu>
To: simulation@ufl.edu

>From uflorida!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!samsung!uunet!ssbell!mcmi!denny Thu Dec  7 09:42:15 EST 1989
Article 127 of comp.simulation:
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>From: armstron@bmers11 (Steve Armstrong)
Newsgroups: news.announce.conferences,comp.cog-eng,comp.graphics,comp.windows.misc,comp.realtime,comp.simulation,sci.space
Subject: CHI '90 Workshop: Computer-Human Interaction in Aerospace Systems
Date: 5 Dec 89 01:00:11 GMT
Expires: 01/30/90
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Call for Position Papers

CHI '90 Workshop:
Computer-Human Interaction in Aerospace Systems

A limited attendance, invitational workshop on Computer-Human Interaction
in Aerospace Systems is being organized for the CHI '90 conference in
Seattle, Washington, 1-5 April, 1990.  The workshop will be 1-2 April

The purpose of the workshop is to
explore issues facing designers and users of decision support systems in
real-time, high-risk aerospace systems.  The workshop will focus on the
following issues:  how do we model the user/operator in complex
time-critical environments; how do we design the human-computer
interaction (displays, controls, and aids) to ensure that the user is
integrated into the decision process; what comprises an intelligent
computer interface for a supervisory controller; how do we provide
timely, context-sensitive information in real time without overloading
or distracting the human operator; how do we design operator aids/tutors
using knowledge-based technology that enhances the human-computer
interaction and overall system effectiveness rather than replacing the
human decision maker.   Application domains include the design of
human-computer interaction (e.g., displays, controls, aids, tutors) in
satellite ground control systems, shuttle and space station control
systems, and advanced aviation in both the cockpit and air traffic

Workshop participation is limited to twenty people.  Individuals wishing
to attend the workshop may request an invitation by submitting a 3-5
page position paper discussing their experiences or research in the area
of human-computer interaction in real-time complex dynamic systems
(particularly aerospace applications).  We encourage both human factors
and systems designers, as well as other knowledgeable individuals to
participate.  We wish to obtain a balanced
university/government/industry representation and interaction.  The
position papers of the invited attendees will be reproduced and
distributed to the attendees prior to the workshop.  Selected papers may
be submitted for publication in the SIGCHI Bulletin.  Also, workshop
results will be reported in the Bulletin.

Participants will be charged a $50 workshop fee to help defray the costs
of coffee breaks and A/V equipment.

Position papers are due no later than January 30, 1989.  Three copies,
double-spaced, should be sent to:

  CHI '90 Workshop on Computer-Human Interaction in Aerospace Systems
  Christine M. Mitchell
  Center for Human-Machine Systems Research
  School of Industrial & Systems Engineering
  Georgia Institute of Technology
  Atlanta, GA 30332-0205

  Phone:  (404) 894-4321
  E-mail: mitchell@chmsr.gatech.edu
  Fax:    (404) 894-2301

Invited Participants will be notified by March 1, 1989, and will
also be sent copies of the selected position papers together with a
final agenda for the workshop.
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.

