[comp.simulation] SIMULATION DIGEST V14 N5

simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu (Moderator: Paul Fishwick) (03/02/90)

Volume: 14, Issue: 5, Thu Mar  1 16:16:53 EST 1990


(1) New CELLSIM Tool: V2.5
(2) CALL: Distributed Simulation Conference
(3) Schematic Capture & Simulation
(4) SYSTID Simulation Program

* Moderator: Paul Fishwick, Univ. of Florida
* Send topical mail to: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu OR
  post to comp.simulation via USENET
* Archives available via FTP to bikini.cis.ufl.edu (
  Login as 'ftp', use your last name as the password, change
  directory to pub/simdigest.
* Simulation Tools available by doing above and changing the
  directory to pub/simdigest/tools.


Date: Tue, 27 Feb 90 15:48:48 MST
From: cgl%cardinal@LANL.GOV (Chris Langton)
To: cellusrs%cardinal@LANL.GOV
Subject: Cellsim V2.5 available!

[[NOTE: I have placed Cellsim V2.5 in our tools library for FTP
access -PAF]]


   If you received this, you are on our Cellsim distribution list.
If the address in the mail-header is not the best one for you now, 
please let me know (and let me know both a better one and the one
that this message found you at). If you are already on our cellsim
user list, you do not have to send me a message upon obtaining 
Cellsim2.5, as I ask people to do in the announcement below. This
is primarily so that we can add NEW people to the distribution list.

	       The Availability of Cellsim version 2.5
			    Chris Langton
			    Dave Hiebeler

  Version 2.5 of Cellsim is a SunView-based cellular automata simulator
allowing interactive specification, editing, running, and analysis of
1- and 2-D CA's.  It will run on Sun-3's, -4's, and Sparc stations,
color or B&W.

  You can also use Cellsim to attach to a Connection Machine (CM2), and
run the actual arrays on the CM, rather than on the Sun, using either
the CM Frame Buffer or the Sun to display your images; you can do this either
directly from a CM front-end, or remotely through the network.  Cellsim on the
CM allows you to use arbitrarily complex update-functions and "cells".

  With these recent enhancements, Cellsim is now becoming a tool flexible
enough to use for the exploration of lattice-based systems in general.
Besides running traditional CAs, you can also do things such as run computed
functions of up to 256 states per cell, use floating-point values, or run
large ensembles of 1-D systems.  Running on the Connection Machine also
give you the ability to do complex data-analysis on the fly, in parallel.

Since version 2.0 was never "officially" released, the changes since
version 1.5 are listed below:

1) 256-state "computed-function" rules can now be used, in addition to
   lookup-tables, on both the Sun and CM.  This greatly expands the range
   of rules you can investigate.

2) You can now invoke Cellsim once, and change the neighborhood or number
   of states or image size, without having to call up a new Cellsim.
   Cellsim will also automatically switch into the proper neighborhood
   when you load a rule, or the proper image size when you load an image,
   unless you disable that feature.

3) The "general" random image-generation routine is much more general now.

4) You can create lookup-tables using "Lambda" or "Rho" parameters.
   The Lambda parameter is described in the article "Studying Artificial
   Life with Cellular Automata" by Chris Langton, in Physica 22D (1986),
   and more recently in "Computation at the Edge of Chaos: Phase Transitions
   and Emergent Computation" by C. Langton, in the proceedings of the
   "Emergent Computation" conference, to be published in a special issue of
   Physica D, 1990.

5) The middle mouse-button can be used to reselect the last item selected
   from any of the menus in the control-panel.

6) You can save images in Sun raster format.

7) The process of writing C code to generate lookup tables has been
   made easier.

8) Tilde-expansion is now performed on filenames.  For example, you can
   now specify names such as "~/Images/xyz.64x" when loading or saving
   images, transition tables, colormaps, etc.

9) You can attach to a Connection Machine, and run the actual computations
   on the CM, using either the CM frame-buffer or the Sun to display the

10) A new "defaults" menu which lets you change some of the behaviors of

11) There are 5 user-definable "sequences" which you can "teach" series of
    button-presses or menu-item selections.  So if there is some sequence
    of commands you routinely use, you can define a sequence to hold those
    commands, and call them up with the single press of a mouse-button.

12) You can now draw lines and circles in the array, from the "Draw" menu.
    (The "Draw" menu now contains the "random" image-generation routines).

13) The maximum possible image-size is now 512x512, instead of 256x256


You can obtain Cellsim via anonymous FTP to cardinal.lanl.gov (
Use the login "anonymous", and your e-mail address as password.  Then,
do the following commands:
  cd pub
  get cellsim_2.5.tar.Z

That will transfer the tar file in binary mode.  Once you've obtained the
tar file, you should uncompress it and extract its contents as follows:
  uncompress cellsim_2.5.tar.Z
  tar xvf cellsim_2.5.tar

Once you've done that, go to the "V2.5" directory, and follow instructions
in the "README" and "Installation" files there.

  If you are unable to use FTP, then send either a 1/4" or 1/2" tape to:

    Chris Langton
    Theoretical Division
    T-13, MS B213
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Los Alamos, NM 87545  USA

If you send 1/2" tape, please specify the density to use.

For those of you in Europe or Japan, we are sending copies of Cellsim to
people who have agreed to serve as distribution sites there (tapes are on
the way, guys!)  We'll follow-up with information on how to get it from them,
once they have received the tapes and verified that they have working copies.

If you obtain Cellsim via FTP, please send Chris Langton (cgl@lanl.gov) a
message, so that you can be placed on a distribution mailing-list for
announcements of bug-fixes, new releases, announcement of new libraries,
and so on.  This is very important, so that you can be kept up-to-date
with Cellsim as it evolves.


Chris Langton
David Hiebeler


Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 15:54:15 -0500
From: fujimoto@prism.gatech.edu ( R. M. Fujimoto)
To: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu
Subject: Call for Papers, Distributed Simulation Conference

				Call For Papers
		Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS)
		   (Formerly, the Distributed Simulation Conference)
			Part of the 1991 Western Multiconference(*)
				January 21-23, 1991
			Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California

All papers related to the execution of continuous or discrete simulation
programs on multiple processor computing systems are invited.
Papers may deal with simulation on systems ranging from geographically
distributed computing systems to tightly coupled multiprocessors
and SIMD machines.  Specific topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:

+ Methods for distributed or parallel simulation, discrete, continuous,
  or combined
+ Concurrent simulation methods for particular classes of systems
+ Concurrent graphics and animation for simulation
+ Concurrent real time simulation (e.g., flight simulators, robot control)
+ Machine architectures for concurrent simulation
+ Programming constructs and languages for concurrent simulation
+ Performance evaluation methods and empirical studies of concurrent simulators

Papers must contain original contributions that have not been previously
reported in the literature.  SIX copies of full papers are due JULY 31, 1990.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by September 30, 1990.  Camera ready
copy is due October 31, 1990.  Submissions with a cover letter stating the
name, address, and phone number of each author should be sent to:

			Associate Program Chairman
			    Richard M. Fujimoto
		School of Information and Computer Science
			Georgia Institute of Technology
			  Atlanta, Georgia  30332
		fujimoto@prism.gatech.edu, (404) 853-9384

A double blind review will be used where referees do not know the identity
of authors, and vice versa.  Authors must not include descriptive information
in the paper that will identify themselves.  Bibliographic references should
be modified so as not to reveal the author's identity.

Papers must be in English.  Submissions will be accepted as either regular
(8 pages) or short papers (4 pages), at the discretion of the program
committee.  Papers that are judged to be of an especially high quality will
be forwarded to ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation for
consideration in a planned special issue on concurrent simulation.

	General Chairman			Program Chairman
	David M. Nicol				Vijay Madisetti
Department of Computer Science		School of Electrical Engineering
  College of William and Mary		Georgia Institute of Technology
 Williamsburg, Virginia  23185		      Atlanta, Georgia  30332
nicol@cs.wm.edu, (804) 221-3458	      vijaykm@eedsp.gatech.edu, (404) 853-9830

    Program Committee
Marc Abrams, Virginia Tech
Rassul Ayani, Royal Inst. of Tech.
Rajive Bagrodia, UCLA
Mary Bailey, University of Arizona
David Jefferson, UCLA
Douglas Jones, University of Iowa
Jason Lin, University of Washington
David Mizell, Boeing Computer Services
Daniel Reed, University of Illinois
Paul Reynolds, University of Virginia
Robert Sargent, Syracuse University
Lisa Sokol, MITRE Corp.
Brian Unger, Jade Simulations
David Wagner, University of Colorado

(*) an application for co-sponsorship of this meeting with ACM and IEEE
    is currently pending.


To: comp-simulation@ucsd.edu
Path: loral!miller
From: loral!miller@ucsd.edu (BIG DAVE)
Newsgroups: sci.electronics,comp.simulation
Subject: Schematic Capture & Simulation.
Date: 1 Mar 90 01:46:28 GMT
Reply-To: loral!miller@ucsd.edu (BIG DAVE)
Organization: Loral Instrumentation, San Diego

A friend of mine is in need of some information on PC based schematic capture 
and logic simulation software. He is interest in the availability of public 
domain software he may use in teaching an intro to logic circuits class. I'm not
too sure such a thing exists, but I'd appreciate any information as to the
availability, accessability, and configuration requirements of such code.
By the way, if no such thing exists, does anyone out there know of commercially
available package which sells in the dirt cheap range ($100-$300) ?.

			    Thanks in advance,  BIG DAVE.

David P. Miller - Loral Instrumentation. 
8401 Aero Drive, San Diego, California  92123      /    USUAL   \
(619) 560-5888                  USA                \ DISCLAIMER /

     "Uma vez Flamengo, sempre Flamengo. Flamengo sempre eu hei de ser ..."


To: comp-simulation@jarthur.Claremont.edu
Path: jarthur!ftrue
From: "Dr. Destruction" <ftrue@jarthur.Claremont.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.simulation,sci.electronics
Subject: Looking for SYSTID simulation program
Keywords: SYSTID
Date: 28 Feb 90 19:28:49 GMT
Followup-To: sci.electronics
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711
Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.

Does anyone have any information on the availability/location of the 
Communications system simulator known as SYSTID (system time domain)? This
is a large scale program which has been developed by Hughes Aircraft since
the early 70's. It was described in a special issue of the IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications [Vol. SAC-2, Jan 1984]. 

It is a block-oriented simulator (I am guessing similar to BOSS, from the
descriptions I have seen), with a model library encompassing such tools as
signal generators, modulators/demods, limiters, detectors, meters, and
source encoders. 

Any pointers to this or any similar sounding programs would be much

Frederick True        	ftrue@hmcvax.BITNET    ftrue@jarthur.claremont.edu
Harvey Mudd College   	Life before coffee is no life for me.

