(Moderator: Paul Fishwick) (07/24/90)
Volume: 16, Issue: 10, Tue Jul 24 08:17:44 EDT 1990
(1) QUERY: UNIFIT Program
(2) CALL: Qualitative/Quantitative Sys. Integration
(3) CALL: Ballistics Simulation II
* Moderator: Paul Fishwick, Univ. of Florida
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Date: Mon, 16 Jul 90 14:08 H
From: <>
Subject: UNIFIT
I'm looking for the source of the computer program described in the paper
by Law and Vincent:
Law, A.M., and Vincent, S.G.
UNIFIT: An Interactive Computer Package for Fitting Probability Distributions
to Observed Data.
Simulation Modeling and Analysis Company, 1983.
I'm modeling a hierarchical 2-level internetwork, first by simulation, and
subsequently by analytical methods. My colleague is doing the experimental
modeling where she is building hardware to simulate and measure the various
types of traffic that this network must handle. We have produced enormous
amounts of experimental and simulation results which we need to try and fit
probability distributions. I read about UNIFIT in a book; tools like it or
similar in nature would interest us very much.
I would be very grateful for any information (or recommendations) on getting
these tools. If there is enough interest, I'll post a summary later.
Winston Seah
Dept of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
bitnet: winston@nuseev.bitnet
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 90 23:34:05 -0400
From: Paul Fishwick <>
Subject: Call for Papers: ASPHAS Conference
Second Annual Conference on
in High Autonomy Systems
University of Florida
(in cooperation with the University of Arizona)
Conference Theme:
April 1-2, 1991, Cocoa Beach, Florida
Conference Description
This annual conference is concerned with integrated methods in simulation
and planning that serve to help automate basic decision making processes
in computer systems. Current and future decision making tools will rely
heavily on the ability to reason with sophisticated models that are designed,
planned and simulated in real time. This year's conference will be held at
the beginning of the Florida AI Research Conference (FLAIRS) at the same
There is a strong need to integrate the qualitative system structures
often found in expert systems, reasoning systems, logic and social science
with the quantitative knowledge found in physical science and engineering.
Qualitative structures help define high-level (i.e. decision making) control
knowledge while quantitative structures define unambiguous operations for
well known physical and engineering systems. The interplay between qualitative
and quantitative modeling is critical in the area of computer simulation
modeling where a variety of models are created to solve different problems
and provide different levels of response. Future simulation models will
require this multi-facetted approach involving model knowledge bases
containing different levels of system abstraction. This conference will
serve to bring together researchers interested in using simulation models
that have well-integrated qualitative and quantitative components.
Scope/Sample Topics
Papers can be either conceptual or application-oriented. Some sample
topics are listed below:
* Formalisms for Unification of Qualitative/Quantitative Simulation Models.
* Simulating Engineering Designs using Multiple Levels and Models.
* Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning about Systems.
* Abstraction in Combined Planning, Simulation and Diagnostic Systems.
* Simulation Model Engineering: From Qualitative to Quantitative Models.
* Multiple Abstraction Levels and Mappings for System Descriptions.
* Software Tools for Qualitative/Quantitative Simulation.
* Process Abstraction Networks and Hierarchies.
* Representing Uncertainty in Simulation Models.
* Decision Making Tools for Integrated Simulation Modeling.
Co Chairs
Dr. Paul A. Fishwick Dr. Jerzy Rozenblit Dr. Bernard P. Zeigler
University of Florida University of Arizona University of Arizona
Dept. of CIS Dept. of ECE Dept. of ECE
Bldg. CSE, Room 301 Tucson, AZ 85721 Tucson, AZ 85721
Gainesville, FL 32611
Program Committee
Harold Abelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kenneth Anderson, Siemens Corporation
Howard Beck, University of Florida
David Castillo, McDonnell Douglas
Francois Cellier, University of Arizona
Silvano Colombano, NASA Ames Research Center
Marc Courvoisier, Universite Paul Sabatier, France
Li-Min Fu, University of Florida
Frank Grange, Martin Marietta
Werner Horn, University of Vienna, Austria
Yumi Iwasaki, Stanford University
Witold Jacak, Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland
Benjamin Kuipers, University of Texas at Austin
Theo Lutzeler, Siemens Corporation
Sanjai Narain, Rand Corporation
Franz Pichler, University of Linz, Austria
Ethan Scarl, Boeing Computer Services
Suleyman Sevinc, University of Sydney, Australia
Jon Sticklen, Michigan State University
Oryal Tanir, Bell Canada
Daniel Weld, University of Washington
Ben Wise, McDonnell Douglas
Submission of Papers
Authors must submit five (5) copies of an extended abstract not to
exceed five pages, including figures and citations. Abstracts will
be fully refereed and must be received no later than October 15, 1990.
Accepted papers will be determined by December 15, 1990, and
camera-ready copy sheets will be sent to authors of accepted papers.
After the conference, selected authors may be requested to submit
a paper on their paper topic in special issues of archival journals
relating to the conference theme. Inquiries regarding technical
content should be directed to one of the co-chairs of the conference.
Registration questions and all abstracts should be directed to:
Dr. Joanne East
AI Simulation Conference
Dept. of Continuing Education
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
PHONE: (904)-392-1701
FAX: (904)-392-6950
Important Dates:
Extended Abstracts Due: October 15, 1990 Papers Due: February 15, 1991
Author Notification: December 15, 1990 Conference Dates: April 1-2, 1991
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 90 10:43:57 EDT
From: "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni@PICA.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: conf. annoucement/Call for Papers
a standalone specialist technical conference in conjuction with the
1991 Simulation Multiconference
April 1-5, 1991
New Orleans, Louisiana
Sponsored by The Society for Computer Simulation [SCS]
Following its successfull introduction in 1990, Ballistics Simulation II
will feature several sessions dedicated to all aspects of ballistics. Technical
papers, presentations and proposals for tutorials, panels, workshop and other
special formats are solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
Interior Ballistics
o New Technology Gun Simulation
o Gun Muffler Simulation
o Effects of Worn Gun Tubes on Velocity and Pressure
o Small Caliber Gun Simulation
Exterior Ballistics
o Flight Dynamics
o Thruster effects on fin-stabilized projectiles
o Effects on aircraft armaments release accuracy of near-miss
anit-aircraft weapons
Terminal Ballistics
o Armor plate perforation/penetration
o Hit probabilities on variably-shaped objects
o Body Armor perforation/penetration
o Effects of projectile generated spall on vehicle weapons
o Crew Survivability Analysis
o Wound Ballistics
Ballistics personnel, modelers, researchers, developers, and
experimentalists from industry, academia, DOD, DOE, and other government
installations are invited to contribute and participate in this conference.
Send three copies of original previously unpublished papers or abstracts to the
address below by September 1, 1990. Notification of acceptance or rejection
will be made by September 14, 1990. Author kits should be received by accepted
authors by October 1, 1990. Responsibility for all clearances associated with
full papers - which will be published in the conference proceedings - rests
with the author. To allow time for such clearances, the due date for
camera-ready copy is January 2, 1991.
Submit papers, abstracts, presentations and proposals for tutorials,
panels, workshops and other special formats to:
Michael J. Chinni
Chair, Ballistics Simulation II
12 Windbeam Rd.
Riverdale, NJ 07457
Include full names, affiliations, addresses and phone numbers (office
and home) for each participant. Attach, or copy business cards if available.
Indicate on the page that this is for the 1991 Simulation Multiconference -
Ballistics Simulation II. Participants are expected to register early, at a
reduced rate and to attend the conference at their own expense.
Anyone wishing further information can contact Mr. Chinni at the above address
or at: (201)724-4140/(DSN)880-4140 <>