(Dr. Raimund K. Ege) (07/27/90)
ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS The Society for Computer Simulation Presents ... Object-Oriented Simulation ... part of the 1991 SCS Western Multiconference January 23-25, 1991, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California CALL FOR PAPERS Papers and proposals for panel sessions related to Object-Oriented Simulation are invited. Specific topics include, but are not limited to: - Simulation specification and modeling - Object-oriented architectures - Simulation software, tools and languages - Object-oriented database support - Object-oriented user interfaces - Object distribution and - Visualization networking DEADLINES Papers must contain original contributions. Panel proposal must address topics relevant to object-oriented simulation. All submissions are due August 15, 1990 and will be refereed. Full papers or abstracts may be submitted. Full papers will receive preferential treatment. An abstract must include the title of the proposed paper with a short summary, so that it can be properly positioned in the Conference. Authors must obtain employer, client, or governmental releases prior to submittal of the final manuscript. Authors will be notified of acceptance by September 20, 1990. Camera-ready copy is due October 20, 1990. Authors and other participants are expected to register early, at a reduced rate, and to attend the Conference and participate at their own expense. Submissions with a cover letter stating the name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the authors should be sent to: Dr. Raimund K. Ege Conference Chairman Florida International University School of Computer Science University Park Miami, FL 33199 Tel: (305) 348--3381 FAX: (305) 348--3549 Internet: