[comp.simulation] SIMULATION DIGEST V17 N8

simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu (Moderator: Paul Fishwick) (09/17/90)

Volume: 17, Issue: 8, Mon Sep 17 10:28:05 EDT 1990


(1) RE: Simulation of Football
(2) Mentor Graphics Simulation Models
(3) CALL: Design of Composite Systems
(4) Sharks World Simulation
(5) Expert System Shells for Simulation
(6) Rapid Prototyping for Simulation

* Moderator: Paul Fishwick, Univ. of Florida
* Send topical mail to: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu OR
  post to comp.simulation via USENET
* Archives available via FTP to bikini.cis.ufl.edu (
  Login as 'ftp', use your last name as the password, change
  directory to pub/simdigest. Do 'type binary' before any file xfers.
* Simulation Tools available by doing above and changing the
  directory to pub/simdigest/tools. 


Posted-Date: 12 Sep 90 15:43:49 GMT
To: comp-simulation@ucsd.edu
Path: aero!aerospace.aero.org!abbott
From: abbott@aerospace.aero.org (Russell J. Abbott)
Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Subject: Simulation football (again)
Date: 12 Sep 90 15:43:49 GMT
Sender: news@aerospace.aero.org
Reply-To: abbott%antares.UUCP@ucsd.edu (Russell J. Abbott)
Organization: The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA

Recently I asked this forum if anyone could recommend a language/system
for modeling and simulating a game such as football at the play-by-play
level.  I got only one answer, which I appreciated, but which mentioned
a language that was an extension of C.  I was really looking for a more
declarative way of describing the world I want to simulate.

For example, I would like to be able to describe the field as 100 yards
long and however many yards wide it is.  It should be possible to say
that players must stay within the sidelines.  I also want to be able to
say, for example, that offensive line men always move more or less in
the direction of the ball.  (Obviously an intelligent lineman would not
move directly toward the player carrying the ball.  It would be nice to
be able to describe such more intelligent, i.e., anticipatory,
trajectories also.)  It should be possible to describe set plays.  It
should also be possible to describe ad hoc interactions and "broken" and
improvised plays.  I'd like to be able to describe all these elements as
declaratively and at as direct a level as possible, i.e., so that a
non-computer scientist could validate the model.

It's hard to believe that no one has a favorite language that they think
would be ideal for this.  Isn't this a main-line simulation-type
problem?  Hasn't the simulation world been dealing with these issues for
a long time now?

[[You raise some interesting issues. First, there is no simple, clean
solution to any complex problem such as the one you describe (let alone
solutions of a simulation nature). I might suggest building a hybrid
model (discrete event/continuous,etc.) and create a good graphical 
interface to help the user during the validation phase. It is not at
all clear that a declarative language is going to be easier for users
than procedural code. Users are more attuned to graphical interfaces
(which can be considered as "languages" if they permit model construction).

As far as the simulation world, I think you will find that the literature
is plentiful for creating a baseball simulation. It will not be easy because
there are many factors including the modelling of intelligent entities.
You will need to do some more digging - but first, what are the specific 
goals of the baseball simulation? I thank Russ for bringing up some 
interesting issues! Anybody else have any thoughts on this topic? -PAF]]

 -- Russ Abbott@itro3.aero.org


To: comp-simulation@backbone.usenix.org
Path: ncrcam!funk
From: funk@ncrcam.Cambridge.NCR.COM (Al Funk)
Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Subject: Looking for info on Mentor Graphics simulation models
Keywords: hardware simulation models
Date: 12 Sep 90 14:41:46 GMT
Distribution: na
Organization: NCR, E&M Cambridge, Ohio

This request is directed towards Mentor Graphics users.  I would like to
know if some hardware simulation models exist and their source if they do.
I'm looking for models of the following parts:
        NEC V50 Microprocessor
        AMD Z85C30 Serial Communications Controller
        Altera EPB2001 Micro Channel Interface Chip

These parts don't exist in the latest LAI library we've received and I would
like to know if there are other sources for simulation models that might
have libraries that contain these parts.  Reply to me by email and I'll
summarize if there is enough interest.

Al Funk                             Email: funk@cambridge.ncr.com
NCR Corporation - E&M Cambridge
800 Cochran Ave.
Cambridge, OH  43725


Date: Wed, 12 Sep 90 16:07:15 -0400
From: "Paul Fishwick" <fishwick@fish.cis.ufl.edu>
To: simulation@ufl.edu

>From @skinner.cs.uoregon.edu:fickas@umpqua.cs.uoregon.edu Wed Sep  5 19:24:05 1990
	(5.61.14/IDA-1.2.8) id AA27870; Wed, 5 Sep 90 15:16:07 -0800
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 90 16:29:47 PDT
From: steve fickas <fickas@umpqua.cs.uoregon.edu>

		AAAI Stanford Spring Symposium
		      March 26-28, 1991

                 Design of Composite Systems

The goal of this symposium is to discuss issues in formally representing
and automatically reasoning about design problems that involve a mix of
physical, software, and human components, i.e., what we will call
composite systems.  In particular, we are interested in designing an
artifact that will be added to an existing environment to achieve new
goals (or old goals more efficiently).  

In such systems, goal achievement can be viewed as a joint problem
solving process.  The artifact specified and produced will be embedded
in a rich and complex physical and social context.  In essence, the
difficulty might not be in the specification of the artifact itself, but
instead in reasoning about the complex interaction of the artifact with
the environment.  For instance, the artifact by its very presence may
place restrictions of the freedom of action of human agents, change the
pattern of human-human interactions, etc.  A designer is thus defining
new roles that agents in the environment will play when interacting with
the artifact.

We propose that there is a common set of problems for specifying and
designing composite systems irrespective of software/hardware/human
distinctions.  At least one purpose of the symposium is to bring together
researchers from various fields to explore this claim.  We wish to
determine whether techniques developed for the design of software,
hardware, interfaces, organizational processes, etc., can be adapted to
support composite system design, or whether new techniques are needed.

The symposium will examine the following issues in composite system design:

Theoretical Issues
 - Determining the division of responsibility for system-wide goals
  among the various components.
 - Motivating components to abide by their responsibilies; designing for
  tolerance of error and of malicious irresponsibility.
 - Detecting and resolving conflicts between goals of the different
  components of the system.
 - Designing the interface between components.

Pragmatic Issues
 - What are the limits of this approach?  Is it effective?  What tools
  do we need?
 - When is it appropriate (cost-effective) to use this design methodology?
  What new burdens does this introduce, and how can these be mitigated?
 - How can we ensure the acceptability of the artifacts that we design?
  Can acceptability be treated as another goal to be achieved?
 - Do we understand the conceptual foundations and techniques well
  enough yet to make the approach practical at this time?  If not, how
  should we go about developing them?

Prospective participants are encouraged to contact a member of the
symposium committee to obtain a more detailed description of the symposium
goals and issues.  Participants should then submit a 1 to 4 page
position statement explicitly addressing one or more of the symposium
issues.  Descriptions of experimental and empirical results are
especially encouraged.  Submissions that identify the practical or
theoretical limits of automated design of composite systems are also

Submissions should be sent by electronic mail to johnson@isi.edu by
November 16th.  All such submissions will be promptly acknowledged.
If electronic mail is impossible, four paper copies should be sent to
arrive by Nov. 16 to: 

  Lewis Johnson
  USC / ISI, 4676 Admiralty Way,
  Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695

or fax a copy to (213) 823-6714.

Program Co-Chairs: Martin Feather (feather@isi.edu), Stephen Fickas
(fickas@cs.uoregon.edu), Les Gasser (gasser@pollux.usc.edu), 
Lewis Johnson (johnson@isi.edu).


Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Path: eng3.hep.uiuc.edu!mjh
From: mjh@eng3.hep.uiuc.edu (michael j haney)
Subject: Sharks world
Keywords: sharks
Sender: news@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (News)
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
Distribution: comp
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 21:20:15 GMT
Apparently-To: comp-simulation@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu

Can someone direct me to Sharks World? The 1990 Winter Simulation Conference
preliminary program makes several references to the Sharks World

Thanks much,
Mike Haney


Posted-Date: 13 Sep 90 21:46:10 GMT
To: comp-simulation@ucsd.edu
Path: aero!aerospace.aero.org!abbott
From: abbott@aerospace.aero.org (Russell J. Abbott)
Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Subject: Expert System Shells for Simulation
Date: 13 Sep 90 21:46:10 GMT
Sender: news@aerospace.aero.org
Reply-To: abbott%antares.UUCP@ucsd.edu (Russell J. Abbott)
Organization: The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA

Does anyone know of the use of an expert system shell for simulation?
The model I have in mind is of simulating multiple independent interacting
entities based on the common envirnment within which they all reside.

It seems to me that that is exactly the framework that expert system
shells provide: the environment is the blackboard; the entities (or at
least the rules by which they live) are the expert system rules.  A rule
fires (equivalent to an entity taking an action) when the
environment/blackboard indicates the correct conditions.

It seems like such a natural, it must have been done.  Any references?

 -- Russ


Date:     Mon, 17 Sep 90 9:48:30 EDT
From: see-taus@hel-fire
To: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu

Subject: rapid prototyping tools
Newsgroups: comp.simulation,comp.sys.mac.hypercard,comp.windows.misc,comp.windows.x,comp.misc,comp.lang.idl-pvwave
Distribution: na
To: simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu
Keywords: product review, simulation, prototype

     Hello. I have been asked to identify software products which can be
used as what are locally referred to as Rapid Prototyping tools.
Specifically, we are looking for software packages that will allow us to
easily simulate intelligent communications stations while using standard,
commercial computers (type undetermined, but UNIX, 386 MS/DOS, and
specialized graphic machines have been discussed) running the
simulation. This means we have to be able to develop the user interface,
the internal handling and display of whatever information is being
communicated, and the communications protocols for getting information
onto or off of the net. Since the human interface, distribution of
functions between workstations, and communications protocols will be
changed frequently, flexibility and ease of use are desirable.

     The following list of questions is a guideline for the type of
information I am trying to gather. Like all guidelines, it is intended
to be an aid, not a restriction to any responses. If you have comments
about a product which might apply to this project, please add them to
the end. 

     Please e-mail responses to the box listed below. If you would like a
summary of the responses, please send me an e-mail note, with a subject
line of "summary: rapid prototyping tools".

					Richard A. Tauson


Name of Software Product:


I. Hardware

   A. What hardware (major vendors or CPUs) does this product run on?

   B. What are the minimum system requirements for this product to
      operate (include major trade-offs, such as it will run with x
      memory or y disk capacity, but needs more to perform at its potential)?

II. Operating System

   A. What systems can this product run on?
      Is there any consideration of porting it to UNIX or MSDOS, if this has
       not been done yet?

   B. Is this product based on another software package? If so, what software?
      Example: Runs under X-windows

   C. If there is source code available, what language is the product 
      written in?

   D. What are the costs of various liscences (single, site, source, etc.)?

III. User Interface

   A. Primary Input
      1. Is there an on line editor?
         Can it be called up from one window, while running an application
            on another window(s)?

      2. What input devices have been linked to this product 
         (keyboard, mouse, dataglove, etc.)?

   B. Primary Output
      1. What are the limitations on the products Multi-Windowing capability,
         if any?
      2. What monochrome and/or color display drivers are available with
         this product?

   C. Style
      1. Is the products "Look and feel" similar to other major products?
         This would include either similarity to a type of software
         or obvious based on a programming language.

   D. Graphics
      1. What is the ability to define and "run" graphics images
         (example: draw a pointer on a dial, which moves across the dial
            in response to some defined input) ?
      2. What libraries (icons, mapping routines, etc.) come with this
         package and what capability is there to develop libraries?
      3. Is the graphic interface vector or pixel oriented?

   E. System-User communications
      1. Is there On-Line on-execution help?
      2. Are the error messages accurate and meaningful?
      3. How long does it take the average naive user to become nominally
         productive on this product?
         Assuming an easy-to-learn vs and easy-to-use (for wizards)
         continuum, where does this product fit?
          It is easy to learn the basics, but the system is very limited.
          There is a lot to learn, but once you master the system, it gives
             is very powerful.

IV. Communications

   A. What capability exists in this package to support communications with
      other machines (example: ethernet, serial port, etc.)?

   B. Can the product react to other processes being run on the same machine?
      (Example: call a process to generate a value, to be shown on a dial or
      look at a data file to take values for a gauge.)

   C. How many communications lines can be accessed by a given process?

V. Applications

   A. What, if any, applications have you heard of this product being
      used for? 

   B. In general, are there any major strong points or limitations to this
      product which have not been addressed above?

VI. Applications Development Interface

   A. How is application code linked to the rapid prototyping tool?

   B. How much control does the applications developer have over the system?
      1. What paramaters can the user modify?)      

   C. What sort of interface is available for the rapid prototyping tools?
      1. Is this adaptable for different levels of user?

   D. Is there an interupt mode for the rapid prototyping tool?

   E. Does the Rapid prototyping tool support multi processing? 
      Parallel processing?

   F. Does the rapid prototyping system use the native graphics on the 
      1. Can the graphics and Prototyping tool be run simultaneously?
      2. What limitations exist on the graphics engines which the rapid
         prototyping tool can work with?

VII. Basics
   A. What (roughly) does this product cost (license?, source available?)

   B. Please include a vendor point-of-contact for any further questions.


