[comp.simulation] SIMULATION DIGEST V21 N1

simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu (Moderator: Paul Fishwick) (03/21/91)

Volume: 21, Issue: 1, Thu Mar 21 09:02:40 EST 1991


(1) Simulation for Animation
(2) WANTED: Text for Simulation
(3) Output Analysis Methods
(4) Conference on 3D Sound
(5) CALL: Intelligent Control Conference
(6) PROGRAM: Petri Net Conference & Tutorial

* Moderator: Paul Fishwick, Univ. of Florida
* Send topical mail to: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu OR
  post to comp.simulation via USENET
* Archives available via FTP to bikini.cis.ufl.edu (
  Login as 'ftp', use your last name as the password, change
  directory to pub/simdigest. Do 'type binary' before any file xfers.
* Simulation Tools available by doing above and changing the
  directory to pub/simdigest/tools. 


Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Path: puchm
From: puchm@cutmcvax.cs.curtin.edu.au (RichardPuchmayer)
Subject: needed - ref's to dynamic simulation.
Keywords: dynamic, simulation, references, wanted
Sender: usenet@uniwa.uwa.OZ.AU (USENET News System)
Organization: Curtin University of Technology, Computing Science
Date: 18 Mar 91 01:47:22 GMT
Apparently-To: comp-simulation@munnari.OZ.AU

	Hi netters,

		I am currently undertaking a Masters in Computer Science.
		The topic is along these lines 'Dynamic simulation for
		animation'.  Unfortunately I am not a physicist and have
		trouble working out the dynamic equations for articulated
		objects.  Any hints for good references on the subject
		would be greatly appreciated.  (You will, of course, get a
		mention in my acknowledgements)

		Many thanks,

| Some of us are poets, some of us are not. | puchm@cutmcvax.cs.curtin.edu.au |
| Richard Puchmayer, Masters Student at     |         Sorry but I             |
| Curtin University of Western Australia    | don't know any other addresses  |
| I know nothing, so can hold no opinions for myself or others.....:-)        |


Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Path: ifocs9d
From: ifocs9d@aucs.acadiau.ca (Rick Giles)
To: <watmath!comp-simulation@cs.dal.ca>
Subject: texts?
Organization: Acadia University - School of Computer Science
Date: 	Tue, 19 Mar 1991 13:12:19 -0400
Apparently-To: watmath!comp-simulation@cs.dal.ca

I am preparing a third year Computer Science course on simulation and would
appreciate hearing from others about the text they use, or would suggest.
It is a 3-month introductory course with an emphasis on discrete event
simulation, and will be using Simscript. Thanks.

Rick Giles                  | "There are 3 types of Computer Scientists; 
                            | those who can count and those who can't."
ifocs9d@aucs.AcadiaU.ca     |


Date:     Wed,  20 Mar 91 15:42 +02:00
From: <MOLLA%TRBOUN@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu>
To: simulation@bikini.cis.ufl.edu
Subject:  Output analysis

As far as I know, the output analysis methods that are used in most simulation
packages are quite trivial and they can not handle complicated issues like
steady-state performance measures and the elimination of autocorrelation in
the output series. Does anyone know whether any simulation package contains
advanced output analysis methods like the regenerative analysis.

Dr. Levent Mollamustafaoglu

Bogazici University
Dept. of Induistrial Eng'g
Istanbul  TURKEY


To: comp-simulation@ames.arc.nasa.gov
Path: milton!cyberoid
From: cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson)
Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Subject: Conference on 3D Sound, Bochum, Germany, 8 April 1991
Date: 21 Mar 91 01:23:23 GMT
Organization: Human Interface Technology Lab, Univ. of Wash., Seattle

In conjunction with DAGA '91, the German national acoustical 
engineering conference, the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum announces...



8 April 1991
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
Bochum, Germany (near Dortmund)

Jens Blauert, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum

Thomas A. Furness, HIT Lab, Washington Technology Center, 
Seattle, USA, "Keynote Paper on Virtual Environment"

Henrik Moller, Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg, Denmark
RBinaural Technology -- Fundamentals"

Hans-Wilhelm Gierlich, Head Acoustics GmbH, Aachen,
Germany, "Binaural Technology -- Applications"

David Meares, BBC London, Great Britain
"Multichannel Sound Systems for HDTV"

Hilmar Lehnert & Jens Blauert, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
"Binaural Room Simulation -- Principles"

Jean-Paul Vjan, CSTB, Grenoble, France
"Binaural Room Simulation -- Practical Application & Use"

Masato Miyoshi & Nobuo Koizumi, NTT, Tokyo, Japan
"Conference Systems for Future Telecommunications Services"
(includes remarks on the Japanese virtual-environment
and tele-existence initiative)

The conference language is English.  Contributions to the 
discussion may also be made in German.

Right after the Colloquium a working dinner (buffet-style) will 
take place at the Beckmannshof (within walking distance of the 
HZO), where ample time will be available for discussions and 
demonstrations.  A limited number of tickets (DM30-) are still 
available.  In case of interest, please contact the secretariat 
ASAP.  After the dinner, a free bus to downtown will be pro-

For more information, contact:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Blauert
(Fr. Stephanie Plicht, Secy.)
Lehrstuhl fur allg. Elektroteknik und Akustik
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
Universitatstrasse 150
Gebaude IC 1/132
D-4630 Bochum 1, GERMANY

Phone:  (49) (0)(234) 700 2496
Fax:       (49) (0)(234) 700 5568

[MODERATOR'S NOTE:  The only email address at Ruhr-U in my 
possession is that of Hilmar Lehnert, Dipl.-Ing. in the Lehrstuhl:

Internet:  lehnert@aea.e-technik.uni-bochum.de
BITNET:    rubaea%rubmez@unido.BITNET

							-- Bob Jacobson]


Date:     Thu, 21 Mar 91 09:58 U
To: simulation@ufl.edu
X-Original-To:  simulation@ufl.edu, ECBSOH


                  C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S


                 Hilton International Singapore
                       Feb 18 - 21, 1992

The conference is organised by the IEEE Singapore Section, Control
Chapter and co-sponsored by the Computer Chapter, Industrial Electronics
Chapter and the Instrumentation and Control Society, Singapore (National
Member Organisation of IFAC). The Conference will be concerned with the
state-of-the-art in design, theory and application of Intelligent Control
and Instrumentation in Robotics, Automation, Control, Manufacturing and
related fields. Topics includes, but are not limited to:

   * Adaptive Control             * Neural Network in Control
   * Robust Control               * Intelligent Process Planning
   * Robotics                     * Distributed Control Systems
   * Real-Time Systems            * Fault Diagnostics and Detection
   * Intelligent Control          * Intelligent Instrumentation
   * Discrete Event Control       * Communications in Control
   * System Identification        * CAD
   * Optimal Control              * Large Scale Systems
   * Expert Systems               * Motion Control


  K. J. Astrom      Sweden        F. Harashima       Japan
  Y. C. Ho          USA           L. Gerhardt        USA
  T. Fukuda         Japan         H. Kimura          Japan
  G. A. Bekey       USA           N. H. McClamroch   USA
  G. B. Andeen      USA           I. Postlethwaite   UK
  M. G. Rodd        UK            M. H. Rashid       USA
  A. C. Sanderson   USA           Y. Sunahara        Japan
  M. Vidyasagar     India         M. Mansour         Switzerland
  Brian Lee         Singapore     C. C. Hang         Singapore
  M. Tomizuka       USA           James C. Hung      USA
  S. Yamamoto       Japan         B. H. Krogh        USA
  B. K. Bose        USA           G. C. Goodwin      Australia
  Joseph Chen       Singapore     P. C. Sen          Canada
  H. A. El-Maraghy  Canada        Tony Woo           USA
  S. Sankaran       Australia     K. W. Lim          Australia

Authors are invited to submit 4 copies of 800-words abstracts of the
papers headed by the title, author's name(s), address(es), telephone,
facsimile and telex numbers to:

                        Prof C. C. Hang
                        Technical Programme Chairman
                        SICICI '92
                        IEEE Singapore Section
                        200 Jalan Sultan
                        #11-03 Textile Centre
                        Singapore 0719
                        E-Mail: FENGHCC@NUS3090.BITNET

Abstracts must be received by 15 June 1991. Notification of acceptance
will be sent by 2 September 1991. Proposals for tutorials are also


Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 12:06:30 +0100
From: news@daimi.aau.dk
To: comp-simulation@dkuug.dk
X-Charset: ASCII
X-Char-Esc: 29

Newsgroups: comp.simulation
Path: daimi!sorenchr
From: sorenchr@daimi.aau.dk (Soren P. Christensen)
Subject: Petri Nets 91, June 24-28, Denmark
Sender: news@daimi.aau.dk
Reply-To: sorenchr@daimi.aau.dk (Soren P. Christensen)
Organization: DAIMI: Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, Denmark
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 11:06:24 GMT

         Twelfth International Conference on
        Application and Theory of Petri Nets
         Wednesday 26 - Friday 28, June 1991


                Petri Nets Tutorial

         Monday 24 - Tuesday 25, June 1991

     Organized by Aarhus University, Denmark
Conference site: Gjern (30 km northwest of Aarhus)


Tutorial lectures on: Elementary Net Systems, 
Place/Transition Systems, High Level Nets, Coloured Petri 
Nets, and Applications to Performance Evaluation and 
Communication Protocols.

Invited lectures by: J. Billington (Australia), W. Damm 
(Germany) and G. Winskel (Denmark).


Conference Program - Wednesday, June 26

Invited Talk: J. Billington
A Protocol Engineering Environment based on Petri Nets

V.O. Pinci and P. Huber
A Formal Executable Specification of the ISDN Basic Rate 

G.R. Gao, Y.B. Wong and Q. Ning
A Timed Petri Net Model for Loop Scheduling

L. Cherkasova, R.R. Howell and L.E. Rosier
Bounded Self-Stabilizing Petri Nets

Y. Soussi
Deterministic Systems of Sequential Processes:
A Class of Structured Petri Nets

J. Fanchon
Fifo-Net Models for Processes with Asynchronous 

A. Valmari
Stubborn Sets of Coloured Petri Nets

J.M. Couvreur, S. Haddad and J.F. Peyre
Computation of Generative Families of Positive
Semi-Flows in Coloured Nets

J. Ezpeleta and J.M. Couvreur
A New Technique for finding a Generating Family of Siphons, 
Traps and ST-components. Application to Colored Petri Nets.


Conference Program - Thursday, June 27

Invited Talk: W. Damm
Using Temporal Logic in the Specification of Petri Nets:
Theory and Applications

H. Tuominen
Proving Properties of Place/Transition Nets with a
Resolution Theorem Prover

G. Chiola, S. Donatelli and G. Franceschinis
Priorities, Inhibitor Arcs and Concurrency in P/T Nets

G. Chiola, S. Donatelli and G. Franceschinis
On Parametric P/T nets and their Modelling Power

M. Jantzen and H. Petersen
Twisting Petri Net Languages and How to Obtain them by
Reducing Linear Context-Free Nets

J. Campos and J.M. Colom
A Reachable Lower Bound for the Mean Cycle Time of
Transitions of Live and Safe Free Choice Nets

Y. Li and M. Woodside
Iterative Decomposition and Aggregation of
Stochastic Marked Graph Petri Nets

S. Laftit, J.M. Proth and X.L. Xie
Marking Optimization in Timed Event Graphs

K. Okuda and T. Ushio
Petri Net Based Hierarchical Qualitative Simulation and its
Application to Co-generation Plant

J. Lilius and P. Ostergard
On the Verification of Programmable Logic Controller 


Conference Program - Friday, June 28

Invited Talk: G. Winskel
Title will be announced later

R. Gorrieri and U. Montanari
Distributed Implementation of CCS

G. De Michelis
Constraints and Extensions in a Calculus of EN Systems

R. Fehling
A Concept for Hierarchical Petri Nets with Building Blocks

G. Chehaibar
Replacement of Open Interface Subnets and
Stable State Transformation Equivalence

K.M. van Hee and P.A.C. Verkoulen
Integration of a Data Model and Petri Nets

D. Buchs and N. Guelfi
CO-OPN: A Concurrent Object Oriented Petri Net Approach

E. Battiston, F. De Cindio, G. Mauri and L. Rapanotti
Morphisms and Minimal Models for OBJSA Nets


Tutorial Program - Monday & Tuesday June 24-25

Monday, June 24

W. Reisig
Informal Introduction to Petri Nets

P.S. Thiagarajan
Elementary Net Systems (I)

G. Rozenberg
Elementary Net Systems (II)

W. Reisig
Place/Transition Systems

H.J. Genrich
High Level Nets

Tuesday, June 25

K. Jensen
Coloured Petri Nets (I)

M. Ajmone-Marsan
Timed and Stochastic Nets and Performance Evaluation

J. Billington
Communication Protocols and Petri Nets


Tool Exhibition - Tuesday June 24-25

As a new activity of the tool exhibition the following 
scheduled tool presentations and demonstrations will take 
place. Conference participants who are interested in tools 
should thus try to arrive Monday evening, instead of 
Tuesday evening:

Institute of Cybernetics and Information Processes

Eindhoven University of Technology

University of Dortmund

Meta Software

University of Torino

University Pierre & Marie Curie

In addition to the presentations listed above, the tool 
exhibition will be open through-out the tutorial and the 
conference. This means that it will be possible to arrange 
demonstrations for small groups and individual 

It is still possible to register tools for the tool 
exhibition - but not for the scheduled 
presentations/demonstrations. Interested tool developers 
should contact the organizing committee as soon as 
possible. This is also the case for groups who want to 
arrange Petri net meetings and courses during the tutorial 
and conference. Such meetings and courses can take place 
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evening, and Thursday evening.


Organizing Committee

Soren Christensen
Niels Damgaard Hansen
Kurt Jensen
Karen Kjaer Moller
Mogens Nielsen

Computer Science Department
Aarhus University
Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Phone:     +45 86 12 71 88
Telefax:   +45 86 13 57 25
Telex:     64767 aausci dk
E-mail:    icpn@daimi.aau.dk


Program Committee

G. Balbo, Italy
J. Billington, Australia
L. Cherkasova, USSR
F. De Cindio, Italy
G. Cutts, UK
P. Degano, Italy
C. Girault, France
T. Hildebrand, France
S. Kodama, Japan
P. Lauer, Canada
A. Mazurkiewicz, Poland
T. Murata, USA
S. Natkin, France
M. Nielsen, Denmark
W. Reisig, Germany
R.M. Shapiro, USA
M. Silva, Spain (chairman)
P. Starke, Germany
P.S. Thiagarajan, India
R. Valk, Germany
A. Valmari, Finland


Steering Committee

H.J. Genrich, Germany
K. Jensen, Denmark
G. De Michelis, Italy
C.A. Petri, Germany (honorary member)
G. Roucairol, France
G. Rozenberg, Netherlands (chairman)
M. Silva, Spain


History of the Conference

The conference was formerly called the European Workshop on 
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and the meetings have 
taken place annually since 1980:

1980	Strasbourg, France
1981	Bad Honnef, Germany
1982	Varenna, Italy
1983	Toulouse, France
1984	Aarhus, Denmark
1985	Espoo, Finland
1986	Oxford, UK
1987	Zaragoza, Spain
1988	Venice, Italy
1989	Bonn, Germany
1990	Paris, France
1991	Aarhus, Denmark

The aim of the conference is to create a forum for 
discussing progress in the application and theory of Petri 
nets. Typically, the conference has 150-200 participants - 
one third of these coming from industry while the rest are 
from universities and research institutions. The conference 
takes place in the last week of June.


Conference Site

The tutorial and the conference will take place at a 
"Conference and Leisure Centre" (hereafter called the 
Conference Hotel) near the small village of Gjern - 
situated 30 km northwest of Aarhus:

Petri Net Conference
Sohojlandet / Conference and Leisure Centre
Lille Amerika 10
DK-8883 Gjern

Phone:    +45 86 87 51 00
Telefax:  +45 86 87 51 33

E-mails can be sent to the participants via: 
icpn@daimi.aau.dk. Letters, telefaxes and e-mails should be 
clearly marked with the name of the receiver. It will be 
possible to send letters, telefaxes and e-mails from the 
Conference Hotel.

The Conference Hotel is situated in one of the most 
beautiful Danish sceneries, and it has facilities for many 
different kinds of sport and recreational activities - e.g. 
swimming, tennis, squash, bowling, walking, running, 
fishing, aerobics and mountain biking. Most of the 
activities are free of charge for people staying at the 
Conference Hotel. Horses can be rented at a nearby farm. 
The Conference Hotel is situated a few kilometres outside 
the small village of Gjern (which has an Automobile Museum 
and a few shops). Moreover, the Conference Hotel is 
situated approximately 15 km from the city of Silkeborg 
(which has all different kinds of shopping facilities).



Registration of participants and reservations for rooms & 
meals should be made using the enclosed registration forms 
and sent to the address above (via mail or telefax). 
Registration will made on a first come, first served basis. 
Early registration is recommended since the number of 
participants is limited by the size of the Conference 
Hotel. Surcharge for registration or payment after MAY 20 
is 200 DK KR.

Confirmation will be sent to the participants after receipt 
of the registration forms and payment.

Some grants are available for students and for researchers 
with limited funds. The grants will not cover 
transportation, accommodation or food - but only exemption 
from conference and tutorial fees. Persons applying for a 
grant must send a letter of explanation to the organizing 
committee. Students should include a recommendation from 
their scientific supervisor.


Registration fees

The fee for members of ACM, AFCET, AICA, BCS, EATCS, GI or 
IEEE is 1050 DK KR for the conference and 700 DK KR for the 
tutorial. Non-members pay 1250

DK KR for the conference and 900 DK KR for the tutorial. 
The current exchange rates (March 1991) are: 100 DK KR = 26 
DM = 17 US $. The fee includes proceedings and other 
conference material. It also covers part of the conference 
dinner (the rest is covered via the full board provided by 
the Conference Hotel, see below). Please notice that there 
will be no reduction in the conference fee for non-
participation in the conference dinner.

For participants who do not have full board at the 
Conference Hotel (see below) there will be an additional 
fee of 200 DK KR for the tutorial and 450 DK KR for the 
conference. This additional fee covers lunches, 
refreshments during the session breaks and the conference 

The fee can be paid by international money transfer or 
cheque, payable to:

	Den Danske Bank
	Langelandsgade 177
	DK-8200 Aarhus N
	Att: Petri Net Conference 1991
	Bank no: 4809
	Account no: 4809 099 474

The fee can also be paid by postal cheque (giro):

	Petri Net Conference 1991
	Computer Science Department, Aarhus University
	Ny Munkegade, Building 540
	DK-8000 Aarhus C
	Account no: 797 1842

In both cases payment should be made in Danish Kroner and 
all transfer expenses should be covered by the registering 
participant. Unfortunately fees cannot be paid by means of 
credit cards. Payment will be refunded if a cancellation 
letter is received before June 10. After June 10 no refunds 
will be given.



All participants will be accommodated at the Conference 
Hotel. The cost of accommodation is as follows:

Single room:	375 DK KR	per day
Double room:	560 DK KR	per day (per room)

Each room contains a double bed and has a private bath 
room. The quality corresponds to a hotel room of 
medium/high standard. Moreover, each room belongs to an 
apartment - containing a large living room and a kitchen. 
Most apartments contain two rooms, while a few apartments 
only contain one room.

For families and larger groups (e.g. students) it is 
possible to accommodate up to 6 people in a large apartment 
with two rooms, and up to 4 people in a small apartment
with one room. This means that two persons must sleep in 
the living room (on two sofa beds) while the bedroom(s) 
must be used as double room(s). Such an arrangement can be 
made for an extra cost of 20 DK KR per person sleeping in 
the living room. This means that the cost is as follows:

6 people  Large apartment      2 * 560 + 2 * 20 = 1160 
                               DK KR per day
5 people  Large apartment      2 * 560 + 1 * 20 = 1140 
                               DK KR per day
4 people  Large apartment      2 * 560 + 0 * 20 = 1120 
                               DK KR per day
4 people  Small apartment      1 * 560 + 2 * 20 =  600 
                               DK KR per day
3 people  Small apartment      1 * 560 + 1 * 20 =  580 
                               DK KR per day

All the above rates are only available on the condition 
that all the persons have full board at the Conference 
Hotel. The full board includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and 
two daily refreshments during the session breaks. The cost 
of the full board is 280 DK KR per day (per person).

Earliest time of arrival is Saturday June 22 (the rooms 
will be available from 15.00). Latest time of departure is 
Saturday June 29 (the rooms must be vacated before 10.00). 
The accommodation and board are paid directly to the 
Conference Hotel upon departure. Cash, Eurocheques and the 
following credit cards are accepted: American Express, 
Visa, Eurocard and Diners.

If you have wishes/demands (earlier arrival, later 
departure, special rates for small children, etc.) which do 
not comply with the description above, you should contact 
the Conference Hotel directly for clarification and further 
information. This is also the case if you want to stay at 
the Conference Hotel without having full board.



Participants travelling by air should arrive at Karup 
airport - which can be reached by domestic flights from 
Copenhagen, approximately 5-8 times a day. From Karup 
airport the Conference Hotel can be reached by special 
airport buses - leaving outside the terminal shortly after 
each flight arrival. The buses are marked Visti's Biler and 
will carry the conference logo. The price of the journey 
will be 50-100 DK KR (one way), depending upon the number 
of passengers. We recommend that you make bus reservations 
by indicating the expected arrival time on the registration 

A few international flights go to Billund and 
Tirstrup/Aarhus. From these two airports it is, however, 
considerably more difficult and time-consuming to reach 
Gjern. From Billund take the airport taxi to Vejle, and 
then the train to Silkeborg. From Tirstrup/Aarhus take the 
airport bus to Aarhus, and then train/bus to Silkeborg. In 
both cases proceed from Silkeborg as described below.

Participants arriving by train should go to Silkeborg. From 
there the Conference Hotel can be reached by Taxi 
(approximately 15 km) or by bus (leaving each hour or each 
second hour; it should be noted that there are no buses 
Saturday evening).

Participants arriving by car should go to the village of 
Gjern - which is situated a few kilometres south of the 
main road between Aarhus and Viborg. From the centre of 
Gjern there are signs to the Conference Hotel.


Arrival and information

The conference information desk will be open at the 
Conference Hotel from 15.00 Saturday June 22. All questions 
concerning the conference should be directed to this 
information desk. All questions concerning rooms, food, 
telephone, telefax, facilities at the hotel, etc. should be 
directed to the reception desk of the Conference Hotel.
Conference Dinner

The conference dinner takes place on Friday evening at the 
Conference Hotel. The dinner is free for conference 
participants having full board at the Conference Centre 
(part of the price is paid via the payment for the full 
board; the rest is paid via the conference fee). For 
accompanying persons the dinner will cost 150 DK KR if the 
person has full board at the Conference Hotel, otherwise 
300 DK KR.


Excursion on Saturday

The buses will leave the Conference Hotel at 10.00 (which 
is the latest check-out time). First we go to Silkeborg to 
visit the Asger Jorn Museum (named after a famous modern 
Danish painter). From Silkeborg the world's oldest paddle 
steamer, the Hjejlen, will take us across the lakes to the 
foot of one of Denmark's highest and most beautiful 
"mountains", Himmelbjerget (literal translation: The Sky 
Mountain - 147 m high!). A picnic lunch will be served on 
board the boat. We'll "climb" the mountain and have 
coffee/tea in one of the restaurants at the top. By the 
buses the participants will return either to the Conference 
Hotel, Karup Airport or Aarhus. All three destinations will 
be reached before 16.30. The excursion fee is 200 DK KR per 
person, and this covers buses, boat, museum-visit, lunch 
and coffee/tea.


Workshop of the Demon project

A workshop is being organized by the Demon project, Monday 
June 24 and Tuesday June 25. The workshop will take place 
at the Conference Hotel, and it is open to all conference 
participants (and to all other interested individuals). 
Demon is a large-scale European project, dealing with 
Design Methods Based on Nets. Participants are assumed to 
have a solid knowledge of the basics of Petri nets. 
Otherwise it will be more fruitful to follow the Petri Nets 
tutorial. The workshop will consider the following topics: 
Equivalence and refinement. Programming, design and 
verification. Algebraic and high-level nets. Free choice 
theory. Trace theory and event structures.

For more information contact: Eike Best, Institut fur 
Informatik, Universitat Hildesheim, Marienburger Platz 22, 
D-3200 Hildesheim, Germany. Phone: +49 5121 883 741. 
Telefax: +49 5121 869 281. E-mail: E.Best@infhil.uucp.


Midsummer Eve

Sunday evening, June 23, the Conference Hotel will organize 
a traditional Danish Midsummer Eve Festival. The festival 
will have a bonfire and singing (by guests). Participation 
is free of charge.



The weather in Denmark in June is usually sunny. 
Temperatures are between 18 and 24 degrees C. However,
be prepared for occasional showers.




